
What's the fastest way to lose weight?

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lose weight.. without buying any dietary supplements or going to the gym.. simple things to lose weight..




  1. eat and exercise in moderation,NOT to lose weight but as a can easily gain weight instead of avoiding yourselfn from weight better change your lifestyle for good by doing cardio and toning exercises in moderaion 5 days weekly and calorie shifting meals...for life!Even 30 mins of daily brisk walking will giv your body a complete workout(No need gyms!) and eat a small healthy meal every 4 hours...drink only water,up to 12 glasses a day.

  2. Do you have a history of high blood pressure?   You could go to the doctors and ask them if you can be put on a water pill.   I lost nearly 5 to 10 pounds with a little exercise.

    Water pills take out water out of the body.  Though you should always replace it with more water, so you would pee a little more than usual.

  3. Their is no simple, fast way to lose weight. All who say otherwise are misinformed or con-artists.  You can temporarily lose weight by fasting (starving) yourself, but you will most likely gain it right back when you start eating again.

    The only sure way to drop the pounds is through persistence. Take in less calories over time and/or burn more calories each day. It's that simple or complicated based on your level of motivation.

    One easy tip that will drop the caloric intake per day is to drop all beverages that contain calories. Basically, drink lots of water and cut soda, energy drinks, fruit juices, etc..

    Good luck!!

  4. Exercise, Go to the park/treadmill, and joG for 20 min a day, lift weights, eat plenty of healthy foods. PERFECT WAY

  5. From my personal experience of losing weight 3 months ago, I would recommend a good guide.

  6. there is no fast way to lose weight. It takes time and patience. If you want to lose weight, you must be dedicated to your goal and make it so its attainable. You must, however, exercise and practicing good eating habits. Without exercise, there is no guarantee that you will actually lose weight.

  7. My exercise regimen is pretty simple.

    Get up at 6AM, run 2 miles, then walk 3 more.

    Go to the gym for an hour of intense strength exercises.  Inclined bench, hanging knee-lifts, tricep crushers, sumo squats, etc.  Don't neglect the trapezius or lower lumbar!  I see a lot of amateurs do this.

    In the afternoon, I'll try and get outdoors for an intense high aerobic activity like sprinting or basketball.

    In the evening I will relax with a mile swim or a 7-10 mile bike ride. In the winter I will skate a dozen times around the lake.

    Before bed I'll do some crunches to blast those abs.

    It's pretty easy actually.

  8. you mean like, a crash diet. where the weight is going to come right back because you didnt lose it the right way the first time.




  10. If you follow the steps below you should be able to lose at least 10lbs in about five days!

  11. Hi Chrysha, I came across this interesting and very informative article. Some people can't seem to lose weight no matter how much they exercise or diet. The article mentioned about harmful parasites/plaques living in our guts - and that to loose weight, we have to get rid of them - before they get rid of us! It's scary, yes, but it's good to find out. Read on. Hope you find it useful. :)

  12. Well I was at least 600 pounds at the start of July. But then my friend Mary Kate told me this great way to lose weight and it's incredibly effective. What you have to do is stick your finger down your throat until you touch that little thing that looks like a punching bag. Once that happens you should get rid of all your fatty gel. Do that after every meal and you should be 30+ lbs. in no time!

  13. Ur food is very important..See there:

  14. Here you go. It is not that hard to lose weight. You simply have to burn more calaries than you take in.

    Dont less all this blow confuse you remember all you have to do to lose weight is to burn mor calaries than you take in.

    I weight about 210which means I must eat about 2500 cal a day to maintain weight. To cut fat i drop down to 1900 cal a day, eating every 2 or 3 hours. Every meal revolving around protien. I only eat complex carbs, no refined carbs(ex look at the ingrediants in bread if it is enriched or bleached then it is not 100% wheat) I also dont eat carbs after2 oclock. As for cardio i do HITT training (google that) HITT will allow you to burn fat while maintaing muscle. I also do some weights 3 times a week. if you dont want to work out or work out so much you simply must eat less because you are not working out to expend the cal. Weights are good becaue muscle builing will actually burn muscle.

    Breakfast Cerial with low fat milk and Low cal protin shake( muscle millk light or gold standard whey)

    mid morning snake" Nuts of some sort, or maybe some chese( i cant think of other good snaks right now)

    Lunch: Sandwitch with 100%whole wheet bread vegies and some kind of meat with low % fat (you want to stay away from fat) keep it blow say 10% or even lower when it comes to meat

    Mid after noon snak ( some kind of snak loaded with protien like nuts or another protien shake if you can handle that)

    Dinner ( dont eat a big dinner) Lean source of protien like chicken, lean ground beef, top serloin stake,

    bedtime if you go to bed aournd 10 and need a snak eat some low fat cottage chees around 9 or so

    I think this diet can get you started but you need to find out what cal intake you need. There are web sight that can assist with that acording to your weight and activaty level.

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