
What's the fastest way to rank up on COD4?

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I am level 24, about halfway to 25 and i usually play ground war. what game mode should i play and what should i use to lvl up to 55 the quickest? I'm on a ps3 btw. (oh my online name's FenderGuitars08 so add me if u want)




  1. A quick way would be to play a lot of Search and Destroy, as long as you get a few kills before you die.

    An easy way is to get into an empty Cage Match and get a friend in their with you. Then, just take turns killing each other in whatever ways you want.

  2. search and destroy

    its so easy

    u can catch  noobs lurking around

    50 pts a kill and 100 for planting the bomb

    most i ever got on that is is like 925

    so just give that a shot

    or headquarters which i hate

  3. i would say either search and destroy, regular or hardcore, or headquarters. depending how good u r, u can get a ton on headquarters. the highest i remember getting is like 610 points, plus match bonus and challenge bonus. so probably headquarters.

  4. it is not hard to level up but it takes a lot of time...there is no specific way to do it, but when i got the game i was rly good and then i stopped playing for a while, and i got horrible but still got to 55 with no problem, and my kill death ratio is like .5 (it was 1.5 when i was good)...........basically cod is not like halo, the deaths do not detract from your score so just persistance, you will get there eventually but if you are good it will be quicker........every one h8s ppl who use martydrom (including me) but it works because the nade only has 1/2 the normal fuse, and jauggernaut works too.......and stopping power

  5. Ground wars good, no one said getting to 55 was easy!!!

    You can amke a deal with someone to let you kill the and they kill you in a few games, so you both get points, i dont think it works to well though...

    Any of the death match games are good

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