
What's the feeling like if we don't watch TV news or read the daily papers for some time ???

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Less worries , anger and sadness about the world?




  1. Releif.It's camping season can I go now?I only take weather radio feels great to not have to worry or judge the world on a daily basis.

  2. I live from time to time in Key West, which is a kind of warp in time and space. Many people there choose not to expose themselves to news, either tv or papers. They are, however still bombarded with the propaganda that lives in the 'entertainment'...

    My experience with these people is that they are dumb, can't hold a conversation worth a d**n, clueless about reality and not worth knowing.

    Being a sober adult requires staying informed. Even if you don't like hearing the news, the news is important. Even if the news misrepresents, that misrepresentation has a reason, and by looking at it squarely, you stay an informed being to the best of your ability.

    Being happy all the time is for clams and pinheads.

  3. Well I do neither. I read or watch my news on the internet, or listen to the radio via internet or airwaves. Occasionally I'll watch BBC World News or the Newshour on PBS. But I really don't feel like I'm missing anything by not watching network news. It's mostly about ratings, not news.

  4. I have been away for 3 months where English language newspapers were difficult to come by and television was not understandable to my ears.  I have been very relaxed and a good deal less depressed.  This morning I listened to the BBC news programme and before switching off in disgust I felt like punching the newsman on the nose.  I also hate the drumming noise that the BBC plays whilst the headlines are being read - the drum beat is often at a pitch which completely drowns out the sound of the person speaking.

    I think it is important that we know what is happening in the world but it would be good to get back to some accurate news presentations and loose all the personal comment of the presenters and definitely loose the media hype and hysteria about very irrelevant matters.

    To directly answer your question though - it feels good not to be weighted down with so much depressing news.

  5. Nothing.  Because you'll hear it later again after "that some time.  The same issues plays over and over again only because everyone and their grandma's have an opinion and  want it known through the media.

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