
What's the first thing of significance that you remember praying for?

by  |  earlier

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I mean first thing as in when you were young by the way




  1. That God gets the religions to agree on God.

  2. ...please somebody...let me win the gold medal...

  3. My ma taught me prayers when I was about five and told me to pray to keep everyone in the family "healthy happy and safe."  I prayed for that (because I would feel guilty if I didn't) but I when I got bigger and my bike got smaller, I also started praying for a new bike.

  4. I remember praying to God, and surrendering myself to end my anguish and pain of being lonely and worrying about finding a spouse.  Literally, and I am serious here, the next morning I woke up and was not lonely one bit.  And I have not been lonely since I made that prayer.  

    No one likes to be alone, but now I see that this step was vital in my growth, as the worrying was a form of negativity in my life.

    Thanks for reading!

  5. G Even as a child, I never accepted the concept that an invisible being was able to control human lives.

  6. I'm not sure if this answers your question, but I remember praying and saying, "Thank you".

  7. another person

  8. I had to pick someone up and forgot their address I prayed to remember that address. I didn't remember though.

  9. I actually got an answer without a prayer . .   unbidden and unsought for.

    It saved my life . . .  .

    This is why I, for one, can not dismiss spirituality, or religious thought out of hand. The answer as to what that was all about, I hope,  can be found in philosophy (or, at least, I hope to find the the proper question).

  10. A bicycle...but I then got told that God doesn't work like that and so I stole one and then simply asked His forgiveness. Which worked fine.

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