
What's the first thing that leaps mind when you think about your ...?

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... wedding?

It can be a little moment, a big snafu, a quirky event, a random epiphany or emotion ... what was it? No fair editing your response -- I want to hear what FIRST leapt to your mind.




  1. The Toast were we entwined our arms . not as easy as it looks on TV

  2. Walking down the aisle and knowing I was making a mistake.

  3. Pouring with rain and Windy ,the bridesmaids got drenched running from the church  

  4. We ran out of gas on our honeymoon night, 20mi. short of our destination. We filled the tank 120mi. earlier, figured we could make it. The gas Gage didn't work. It was a long night along the side of the road. The semis made the car rock back and forth all night.LOL..

  5. Horror.

  6. Damage done by"so-called" friends when they tried to pull a practical joke by moving our new bed into the driveway of our home. They scraped paint, gouged drywall and broke the bed frame.

    Oh, I had even removed the doorknob hoping that would discourage foolishness. WAS I EVER WRONG!

  7. My hair and nervous.  I had my hair and make up done at a salon and my hair just seemed big.  This was my second marriage so it was a small affair but I was still very nervous with big hair.  My youngest sister was trying to tell me a parrot joke to help me relax on the way to the ceremony but I have no idea what she was saying!  This was only 9 years (?) ago.  lol

  8. The FIRST thing that came to mind?????


  9. The people in attendance.

  10. hi . mine was my first wedding . we had all the kids and buckets of kentucky fried chicken . lol

    now can you see that today . lol  

    fun question . d.

  11. My stupid father in law yelling out Happy Birthday at the top of his lungs. Totallly embarassing and I have NEVER forgotton how everyone turned right and looked at him.

    WHAT THE!!!! was he thinking. It might not seem like much but to me it was a lovely time ruined by a moment of idiocy. Fool.

  12. A BIG, Expensive wedding isn't what keeps couples together. Mine ended 2 kids and ten years later.

  13. My husband and I laughing when we were taking our vows!

  14. How few people were able to come.  We had moved away from home and knew almost nobody.  

  15. The first thing that springs to mind when I think about my wedding is that in EVERY photograph there is a police cone in the background!

    No one noticed it until after the photos were developed lol.

    We got married in the Registry Office and all the photos were taken outside.  There in the background is a single police cone!!! lol lol lol

  16. Beer served from by a guy going round with a big jug. Real beer lol.

  17. Hubby was so nervous he fainted when they drew blood at the MD's office. (Back then we had to have blood test.) At the wedding he repeated everything the minister said, He shook so hard he dropped the wedding ring twice when he tried to put it on my finger. Everyone was patient and tried not to laugh. Except me, I could not stop laughing. Poppy

  18. My brother-in-law had to be physically restrained from beating the minister to a pulp and our car was stolen on our honeymoon.

    That's the shortest version I've ever told!


  19. that I was oh so happy and so naive and 9 months pregnant. I had to wait til I was 21 (birthday the month before) as I didn't want to ask my parents for permission. I had not seen them for quite a few months so they were not aware of my condition or that they were to become grandparents within 10 days time. I was lucky as the hospital advised me on the birth of my son that he was about 2 weeks overdue. Timing was everything  was I any good --------- What a wedding ! Yep the whole thing was quirky to say the least but I was so blissfully unaware floating through the ceremony so content with my world------floating hmmm like a large balloon and not one filled with hellium either. !

  20. My husband and I were both 44 (second marriage for both of us).  I didn't have a wedding the first time, so I really wanted a big, beautiful, sacred ceremony.  My first shock came walking down the aisle and seeing so MANY PEOPLE!  I did invite them, but I guess I hadn't thought about it being such a crowd.  I was so happy and excited, but also nervous, and I shook so hard that the groom had to hold me up so I wouldn't pass out.  When it was time to repeat the vows, I looked out and saw all the people (it was our pastor's idea to have us face the congregation) and I froze.  I have spoken before a lot of large groups of people many times with ease, but I could only speak in a whisper this time.  My husband told me later that the whole time the pastor read from Corinthians about Love (you know, love is patient, etc.), he kept singing in his head that song "Love Stinks".  It's been a glorious 12 years!

  21. The first one was a blur. I was nervous. I think I went through one of those disassociation conditions like you were there, but you can't quite remember being there. lol. I don't think that is good, is it? Second time around, I was coherent, lol and it was a beautiful and smaller ceremony.  

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