
What's the first thing you judge about someone????

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What's the first thing you judge about someone????




  1. How they speak, not type of language, but whether they are offensive or polite.

  2. The way they talk to me, and there eyes. To see there attitude towards me

  3. The way they speak.

    (properly, aggressively, etc.)

  4. Their smile or lack of one.

  5. The first thing I see on a person is the hair, and how their clothes looks. Those are the biggest things I look at. If the hair isn't bushed or comb and the shirt isn't tuck in and looking nice, he or she doesn't take car of themselves.

  6. Whether they're clean, and whether they're wearing clothes that are clean .  Even tho I'd like to say I don't, everyone judges a new person by their appearance first of all.

  7. If he or she has honest eyes. When I am close enough to see them.

  8. Usually their personality and their appearance.  I try not to judge on appearances, but it's hard not to.  You automatically notice if someone is clean/unclean, etc.  

  9. Their teeth and/or their overall demeanor (are they approachable, fake, distant, etc.).

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