
What's the first thing you think when ....?

by  |  earlier

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someone comes on YA adoption section and you notice

1 they are new like today or yesterday with no avatar (or make one while answering the Q) and no points

2 they claim to know what everyone stands for

3 they have an off the wall story (bio/ adoptive mom, or adoptees)

4 they waited to come to this section to ask, star or answer their VERY FIRST Question.

5 they are VERY exagerated in their language

6 they are VERY familiar with the terms and abreviations in YA adoptions

7 they never come back after ranting or shoving their opions down everyone's throught.

I know what I think, but what does this say to you?




  1. I think of a nasty, smelly creature who lives under a bridge waiting for billy goats.

  2. It says to me that everyone is different and some people have either had an account deleted and want to voice there opinions strongly or the like. :) I usually don't mind as I am only trying to be of help to the asker. :)

  3. Troll.

  4. Too funny.  I love when they say they've 'heard' a lot about the angry adoptees in this section.  Where?  On CNN?!

    I think it's a cowardly person who doesn't have the #$%^ to ask (usually) politically incorrect questions, so they hide behind a new persona to rant.

  5. When I see this, I think:  there is a hidden agenda.

  6. I usually think these are often people who are pretty pissed about the way things have been going on here, so they create  alter egos and try to pretend they aren't "duplicate" people.

    BTW, Sunny, how cool is that!  We're on CNN!

  7. Troll!!! Troll!!! Troll!!!

  8. As a website owner I have learned a lot. For example did you know that there are actually Tactics to get people to join a conversation or forum?


    I have a forum and belong to places where forum owners go to share info---and pay each other to post--or worse go start a problem... see when everyone is all Hot over something they keep logging in to check what is new on the Hot something...All day and for days in a row those involved will check in...

    This is a form of Community Psychology because as these hot topics die off members are More or Less committed to the site...

    The goal is to make the membership become personally invested.

    I am not saying that Yahoo would go out of the way to Create issues and debate but, many people who go from one site to another have learned to repond to certian triggers and then the site doesn't even have to invest in such creative ways to bring in traffic... because the posting membership is trained to do the dirty work for them!  :wink:

    And then there are those with agenda's....or people who need to ask something without being known....

    Either way when I see these things going on within an interactive community it is generally not a good sign.

  9. Point Gaming or trying to bait everyone here and get them riled up.

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