
What's the funnest card game ever?

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I love Spoons, Apples to Apples, Speed, Rummy 500, Hand and Foot, etc. I'm looking for new card games. And if you name one, could you please give me the directions or provide a website. Thanks! Nothing too complicated either please.

***I prefer you name games that don't require me to go out and buy it....just with a general deck of cards.

Thank you!!




  1. Donkey is such a cool and easy game.

    Your just matching pairs, kind of like gin rummy.

  2. I've allllways loved Gin Rummy. Check out this site it should help. It's not very complicated once you get the hang of it.

  3. the "funnest card game ever" varies with the people you ask.

    i don't know much, not even poker, but i sometimes play Microsoft Hearts (if you're losing, you can always just close it and start up again!) (i know, it's badly cheating)

  4. Spades!!  So easy to learn, and hard to be good at!  Different people play different ways and its fun when your opponents don't get what they bid!  They always blame their teammates when its really their fault!!

    Plus its fun to play when you are drunk too!! lol

  5. Gin Rummy is awesome, and I like Bullsh*t too.

  6. From that list, I'll bet you would probably like Pinochle.  You don't have to buy a special deck; make your own out of two decks.  It's a fun game for 4 players and nowhere near the complexity of bridge.  The two player version isn't that great.

    For 3 players, check out Skat.  

    For 2 players, gin rummy or cribbage are the games for me.  (But cribbage does require that you have a cribbage board, so that's purchase.)

    Rules for all of these are easy to find on line.  Just google it.


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