
What's the funnest game to play?

by  |  earlier

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We used to love to play Pictionary.




  1. D&D

  2. we like hungry hippos but with m&m's

    blind connect 4

    and the fail safe game of pin the tail on the man

    being serious a family game of role play cluedo is always a winner

    have fun!!!

  3. Strip Wahoo Up: Deal one card to each player. Nobody looks at their card, instead they put it up on their forehead with the card face showing to all the others.Then betting takes place. THe only bets allowed are items of clothing or jewelry to take off. For example the first better, a male might say "I bet my left sock." The second, a female says "I call your left sock with my right ear-ring and raise you my left ear-ring." The third might say "I call with my glasses to counter the left sock and with my belt to counter one ear ring, and my watch to counter the other ear-ring."  The rules say no more than five pieces of jewelry. Men can use a tie clip or lapel pins etc, but no more than five pieces total like the women. No more than one bra, one panties and for men one undershirt and one underpants. No more than one shirt and one pair of pants and one belt and one pair of glasses, etc. It is halarious. If anyone fails to pay up they must drink a glass of Boonsfarm wine.

  4. Funny Bones!!!

  5. Heroscape. its board is customizable, as you build it. you battle with miniatures and can add castles lava snow, ice, and various trees. you get figures like the men in black to WW2 marines, and marrro warriors from other planets!there are tons of expansion packs, and the have marvel heroscape with spderman, venom, iron man, thanos capn america, the hulk, the abomination and more! a MUST Have! go to www.heroscapers .com for someawesome pics and info.

  6. if you like trivia games, check out "trivial pursuit" or "scene it"

  7. Slu ts and Slaves (it's actually not as bad as it sounds, tis just an awesome card game for 4).

    I also love UNO, and have a lot of fun playing 500 (dice) with my hubby and kids. (we are a competative lot!)

    Oh, Celebrity Head is a good laugh too..especially after a couple of wines!

  8. monopoly since when i play every one goes money crazy while i just buy everything

  9. Pin the tail on your partner

  10. I love the board game called "Sorry". It is so much fun especially if you have all 4 people playing.

  11. Naked Twister

  12. Pictionary is fun! : )

    I also like The Simpsons Scrabble, and Monopoly,  I like Pokemon Monopoly too lol. I like Uno aswell. Thats a fun game :)

    I'm 17 but I love board games!

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