
What's the funniest question or answer you've ever seen...?

by  |  earlier

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...on Y!A? The most ridiculous, stupid, or funny question you've seen? Or the most sarcastic and clever answers? Love to hear them. Thanks ahead of time for the laugh. :-D




  1. ok well someone asked

    what does OMG mean?

    and someone replied

    oh my god!!  you dont know?

    hahah i thought it was pretty funny =)

  2. I bet there was a funnier one, but this morning I saw,

    "Do girls like the feeling of an erect p***s?"

    And the whole inside was this guy babbling about how he was in some club and got a *****...hahahaha

  3. Someone asked, "Does smoking weed help cure colorblindness?"

    yeaaaaa.... lol

  4. i like ana's answer thats hilarious

  5. Funny Question...

    What first aid would you give if a snake bit someone on the prostate?

    I thought that was pretty funny because to even get a bite on the prostate you would need to put the snake up your r****m lol and I can't believe someone wanted to know the answer to this!

    Stupid Question...

    I'm 37 weeks pregnant and think i'm having contractions, what should I do?

    I think thats stupid because the answer is pretty obvious. Get to the hospital or call your midwife if your home-birthing!

    I also think that questions such as "Whats the best way to commit suicide" are really stupid because it's unlikely that anyones going to actually give them a method and if someone does, they're idiots.

  6. i ego driven...

  7. I heard these two:

    How much toilet paper does it take per sitting?


    Are all spiders Jewish?

  8. somebody asked if anyone knew a good site to ask questions, my reply was "this one."

    Another one was have you ever seen a purple beaked duck wearing a pink tutu, I said yes :) a beanie baby though.

    But my favorite was a twilight ? it was

    "can bella get pregnant?"

    And someone answered : "i dont know, is she a girl?" that person obliviously never read the book...

  9. Do witches use spell check.

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