
What's the funniest/strangest name of a shop or restaraunt that you know?

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What's the funniest/strangest name of a shop or restaraunt that you know?




  1. It's not a shop, but once on a road trip we passed by a church and the name on the church was The Flippin Church of Jesus Christ. That is what the sign on the front of the church said. It was on Flippin street.  No joke, I was laughing so hard I cried!!!

  2. Back Door Sushi (Houston, TX)

  3. The Wet Monkey- a real restaurant in my town.

  4. I can't say the word but i will use an alternate term of the word----"Male appendage" is the name of the resturant. It is located in San Antonio, and the theme to this resturant is for them to act like "male appendages" towards you. Basically they offer bad service on purpose and you can call them names and talk trash to them, and they call you names and talk trash to you back.  I am dead serious!! Look it up if you don't believe me.

  5. Long John Silvers:)

  6. there is a place to eat  in sc  called park and blow  when i first seen it  i  laughed

  7. The Tavernalcle it is a Piano Bar in Salt Lake City about a block from the Tabernacle.

    Or "The other place" Greek Restaurant

  8. Squat&

  9. One time while traveling, our family saw a small pub called "Due Drop Inn".

  10. Fuddruckers


  12. hobos its a restraunt in iowa

  13. there's a Hickies in Ohio

  14. Masterbait and Liquor.

    think about it lol... perverts.

  15. the B & E Market.

  16. Fuddrucker's always makes me smile.

  17. smelly nellys lol God Bless

  18. Ox Yoke

  19. Simply..."The Liquir Store"...LOLZ just playin

  20. p**o's taco (spanish for a*****e) in LA

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