
What's the funniest thing your child has said?

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Today we were at a public bathroom and my four-year-old noticed that the baby changing table had "made in the USA" printed on it. She said, "Look Mom! This says made in the USA. I thought everything was made in China!"




  1. Our little girl has said many funny things, but one that stands out is the time she was out eating lunch with her mum and I. She had just gotten back from the washroom with her mother and jumped up at the table. Another lady got up and went through the same door they had just gone through, and she watched her going. Just before she got to the door, my daughter said, "is that lady going to go pee?" very loudly.

    Another thing that makes me laugh is the way she says "R2-D2". She pronounces it "too-tee-too-tee-tooo".

  2. My four year old was playing in her room and the cats were in her closet hissing at each other.

    She came out on 2 different occasions saying "Molly and Leya are hissing at each other....SERIOUSLY....they keep hissing at each other and I'm mad at them....SERIOUSLY!!"

    I couldn't help but laugh.

  3. I have two things, I lost my license for driving too fast back in May, and at church she told me, "mom I prayed for you to get your driver's license back"

    Then after Vacation Bible School one night my youngest-2 was crying because she was tired and all, and my oldest-4 said "Mom I think we got the wrong sister"

  4. I don't have any children yet but my nephew said the cutest thing the other day. My sister is white and the father of my nephew is black. So my nephew is mixed but he is still pretty dark. He is 5 and we were all at my mom's house the other day eating and out of the blue he looks at his mom and says "Mom, you know I'm black, right?" And she said "Yes Peyton, we are all aware that you are indeed black." We have no idea where that one came from but it was too cute!

  5. when my son was 2 years old he seen me in the shower and told me my pee pee had a mustache! lol he never seen me in the shower again!

  6. LMAO oh god, that's adorable!

    You know, I can't think of a single thing! My kids make me laugh with the way they say words-for example, my middle son was obsessed with helicopters when he was small so whenever there was one outside i'd take him out and say "look, John, wow, a helicopter". The word he picked up on was wow. Guess what he used to call helicopters? Yeah, wows...

    Oh thought of one. My eldest couldn't say biscuit when he was smaller and used to say bugger...I know, what a word. So we were in the shop one day and he, being cranky and tired and unusally misbehaving, shouts at the top of his voice "I want a bugger, get me a bugger!". I almost collapsed from a mix of embarassment and laughing so hard!!!

    Can't wait to see what me 18 month old gets up to!!!

  7. hahahahaha.  That's a great one.

    My son says funny (and inappropriate) things all the time.  He's almost 4, so he's still discovering things about himself.  We were at Wal-Mart and he just casually said, "Momma..... I'm growing up."  I replied, "Yes, son, you are growing very big."  He said, "Yup.  My p***s is getting bigger too!"  *sigh*  I hurried through the store and got out of there.  It was funny, but so embarrassing.  

    We drove by his Daddy's work and he said, "Look Momma!  That's where Daddy plays domino's!"  lol  Apparently, Daddy doesn't do any work, he just plays domino's.  

  8. The cutest thing I can remember any of my kids saying is my 3 year old..i told her last week we were having another baby..she was fine with that then I told her the baby is in my belly..she looked at my belly for a minute with a wierd look on her face..the she looked at me and said "I have a baby in my belly too..look its moving" and she grabbed her belly...I thought that was cute

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