
What's the funniest thing your pet has done?

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My chihuahua is a scaredy cat. He runs at the slightest flutter of paper moving in the wind, or if the curtain billows in the wind lol.




  1. My goldfish looked like it was duying, but it was not. It was playing dead. funny. I had a rabbit It used to bite my titis, and then it looked like it was happy after. I miss my rabbit. My brother still have his goldfish  

  2. My old cat would always l**k my lips I thought it was all gross, cute and funny at the same time.

  3. my cat now  sadly died  jumped in to the fish take whilst i was cleaning it out  ... id just refiled it  and silly cat thought the lid was down as use to sleep on top of the tank  

  4. My cat, Grimm, when he was an adolescent, use to try to chase squirrels up a tree.  Once he climbed half the way up a small tree and the squirrel turned around facing him and barked at him.  It scared him so bad he jumped three feet horizontally away from the tree before landing deflty on his feet on the ground six feet below, then high-tailed it under the house.  I never saw him chase another squirrel again.  Man, I miss that cat.

  5. MY PET BUTCH HES A BOXER DOG AND THE WEIRD THING ABOUT HIM is he can kick bow me h**l try to bite off the glove im wearing and ill try to get the bone from his cage

  6. My pets are always doing something entertaining. One of the funniest things I can remember is about my cat Pooh. He's the type of cat that likes to get in the middle of anything you are trying to do. When I bring groceries in, he has to inspect every bag. Well, this particular day he got in the bag and somehow got the handle caught over his tail. He was running full speed through the house with my other 2 cats chasing  him. Things were crashing and falling. We were laughing so hard, we couldn't help him. Finally he calmed down enough to where we could remove the bag.

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