
What's the funniest thing your pre-schooler did?

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It can be a school related story if possible, but a funny 4-5yr old story is great too!




  1. Well, when I was in preschool, I mooned my teacher.

  2. At the end of last school yr. my daughter came home and was playing with her brother in the room while i was playing on computer. I didn't like her preschool class because i didn't feel she was learning enough. But she blew my mind when i heard her teaching her brother the Pledge of Alligence.

    She also likes to mother her brother telling him what to do when i tell him to do it. she makes sure he does it,,,sometimes.

    Last night, when they were getting ready for bed, my daughter said." This room is a disgrace. It's so messy"  I tell her that all the time. Out of the mouthes of Babes.

  3. When my now 8 year old was in pre-school and it was valentines day and so we got cards for her to pass out.  Because she was 5- and she could write her own name I thought it would be good practice for her to sign her name on all of the cards and then I would help her fill in her classmates names.  I was in the kitchen making dinner or something- and she came in beaming and handed me the cards saying, "look mom I finished them!"  Upon looking at them I realized all of them said From: kira like she was supposed to do- but every single card had TO: COLE filled out.  (cole was a boy she liked at school)... needless to say we had to go buy a brand new box of cards. haha  it was really cute though!

  4. My mother watched kids in her home for many years. She had one boy that was around 3 or 4 at the time. He came running to her in a panic saying "Help! Help!" She asked him what was wrong and he held up his finger. She thought perhaps he had pinched it and when she looked closer she noticed not an injury but instead a big booger! He then exclaimed "I can't get it back in my nose!"

    This same boy started kindergarden and my mother would watch as he got on the little school bus that came to pick him up. One day he went out to the bus and walked around it, once, twice, three times before he got on. When he returned that afternoon she asked him why he had walked around the bus so many times. His reply? "I couldn't find the door!"

    That little boy is all grown up now, but it still makes me smile thinking of that sweet little chubby cheeked boy.  

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