
What's the future of Italy?Where will Italy be in 10 years? I heard their population n economy was decreasing?

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What's the future of Italy?Where will Italy be in 10 years? I heard their population n economy was decreasing?




  1. god I hope we are still here...........don't plan on moving too soon.  Italy's future...I must ask the same question of many other countries world wide. Italy has problems that must be resolved, I am hoping (and praying) that with the new government things will change, but I don't expect to see it tomorrow. After so many years of left wing government..going no where, union and labour laws that would not you allow you to fire an employee even if he fu...ked you wife on company time on your own desk,  and the list goes on and on...

    Italy has its problems, but I think in time  things here will change.  I hope the only thing that doen't is the culture, the history, the people and thier beliefs. I am not Italian, but an immigrant from Canada who has been here for many years, and hopes to stay.

  2. I whish I knew.....

  3. Italians will be Italians...English will be Pakistani ..Americans will be Mexicans..French are already arab-blacks ...

  4. isn't true, the population this year is increased by 500.000 units and economy is increased by 0.4% (U.S.A. 0.28%)

  5. the usual...we will survive!

  6. What you said is true..and when I will be adult I will go away from italy because I don't like it her governement, her economy and her cities. But because I'm italian I hope that everythingh is going to be ok! I hope so.


  7. hi,i'm an italian boy! I haven't good idea about the future,but think with the new government maybe the situation will be better...i hope!bye!

  8. What you have heard is true....  The population in Italy is decreasing as is the economy. These are problems that can be very easily solved and rectified.

    The real danger to Italy and Italians is the loss of culture and identity. There are too many immigrants who move to Italy from other nations (3rd world as well as countries like USA, Germany, etc...) that come over and want to change the way Italy and Italians have been doing things for centuries. Culture and identity are very quickly being lost and eroded and this has an impact on the country. Unfortunately once lost, it can never be recovered.

    In 10 years, if things do not change, Italy will be another boring country full of McDonald's, mosques, vagrants, drunkards, backpackers, etc.... It will be just another western country and no longer unique.

    Italy and Italians have to recognize what they have and that what they have is unique and very fragile. They also have to recognize that they are ITALIANS not Calabrese, Lombardo, Toscano, etc.... They need to become much more patriotic and remember their history and the sacrifices of it's past generations without which Italians would not be wearing Gucci, Prada, etc....

    They also have to get rid of the mafia which is a huge threat to the economy with it's corruption and monopoly on some industries.

    Lastly, they need to remember the values that they are famous world wide for. Things like family, honesty, respect, and hard work. These are the pillars of a society and Italian kids seem to be loosing this very quickly if not have lost it already

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