
What's the generally-accepted definition for "Cool"?

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  1. You either have it or you don't...

  2. ANYTHING that comes out of:

    Darth Cheney's mouth...

    and its KOOL by the way!!

  3. Love it! This song feels like flying down the highway with the top down, heading straight into the stars. :-)

    I'm not sure what the Generals are accepting these days, but the QT Completely Unbiased Dictionary reads:

    "Cool: That which seeps into the Soul and eases the clouds away.

    --Examples: His <I>ness, Eric Clapton, Gene's answer, good grammar."


  4. Anything "The Fonz" would be ok with....

  5. In today's materialistic world "Cool" is whoever is wearing or buying the next big style or thing.

  6. I agree  Clapton,  The Fonz, & Morris Day(?) are cool....but  this guy wrote the book

  7. Eric Clapton is cool. The Fonz is cool. But here is really cool, lol

  8. Lower temperature than luke warm.

  9. Completely loved by all.

  10. Eric Clapton is cool.

    Cool is a person that can get along with everyone.

  11. What an excellent video - and a reminder that COOL can be the recital of a song that everyone knows, but making it sound NEW AND MORE EXCITING than it has ever been before.  

    COOL is being able to wear clothes from the last decade and MAKING THEM LOOK GOOD!

    COOL IS LAUGHTER in the wake of adversity.  

    COOL is the secret of knowing that everything is alright.

    COOL is the ability to dance your own dance, to enjoy it thoroughly, and to enable others around you to enjoy the moment too.  

    Cool is the whisper of serenity and confidence in a storm of fear and doubt.

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