
What's the good vertical jump training for my body type and condition?

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I used to be an elite athlete in high school and in college. I had strength, speed, and agility but never had good vertical jump. At my best, I could jump 28" which wasn't bad but not that great either.

Since getting out of college, I hadn't done any sports activities at all until last year when I started playing volleyball again. Since I didn't do anything for more than 10 years and grew older, I've gotten considerably weaker. Now I'm getting only 24" of vertical jump and having a hard time spiking the ball.

I heard that people w/ different body types and characteristics should do different types of training to improve their vertical. So, I'd like to know what's the right training for my body type and condition. I'm 36 years old and stand 5'9" with very short limbs. I have a muscular body with no fat weighing 175 lbs. I have huge quad muscles but small calves like horse's legs.

My goal is to gain back the 4" that I lost and then add a couple of more inches to get 30."




  1. try plyometrics. it really helps your jumping skills.

  2. squats, squat jumps, leg exercises where you go down then up a lot of times.

  3. You seem to be asking for a date here :))

    An elite athlete would need an elite coach, trust me. It would be the best investment you could ever have... and you properly **only** have 70 more years to enjoy that elite status.

  4. you should try just blocking on a sand court, wall jumps, jump from ground to chair, to ground, jump up and down with ankel weights on. thats pretty much it!!! =D good luck

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