
What's the green cloth on a snooker table called?

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What's the green cloth on a snooker table called?




  1. Baize. Its a kind of very fine, hard wearing felt.

  2. "Felt" has never been used on any type of billiards table ever.  "Felt" is a fabric made of compressed fibers.  "Cloth" is the proper term in America.  Cloth is a woven fabric, not compressed like "felt".  Someone long ago just started calling it "felt" and nobody ever questioned it.  "Baize" is the term used in the UK.  M.D.-BCA Instructor/Referee.

  3. In the UK it is called baize, in America it is called the Felt.

  4. Baize

  5. defiantly baize

    and thats how u spell it

  6. felt, u dumbass

  7. grass

  8. Its called "beize" or "baize".

    Not sure of the spelling I am afraid.

  9. The baize

  10. it  s   called  felt   and  you  brush  towards  the  break  off  point,   where  the  balls  are  set up

  11. Baize.

  12. its called 'the baize'

  13. Definitely Baize

  14. Here we refeer to it as ''the cloth'' or ''the felt'' .  Hainsworth, Granito, or Simionis are the best choices (IMHO).....Cheers

  15. the green

  16. baize...........also the top end of the table above the white line is called the baulk end

  17. Its called green baize but can also come in red

  18. its    defienly    called   the  baize

  19. felt

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