
What's the hardest part about having your period?

by Guest67062  |  earlier

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What's the hardest part about having your period?




  1. nothing really

  2. cramps and unpredictability...

    say its a couple of days late, you start getting really worked up about why its late and if its gonna clash with some important event or something...

  3. cramps...they bring my entire mood down. I can't listen to music or even look at food without feeling like im gonna be sick.  

  4. not getting to the rest room in time and the moody ness

  5. Bloating. Always had that problem.

    LUCKILY, I have never had one cramp. ( ;

    But, sometimes, I will have sore legs before my period.

  6. Before I got on birth control, the unpredictability!  It could happen every 3 weeks or every 3 months.  I never knew when to be prepared.

  7. um the bloating, headaches, and mood swings with irritability...also it sorta irritates giving me pimples...

    and sometimes how "it" can hurt/burn

  8. the worst part i think is trying to sleep without worrying about bleeding too much and/or leaking n messing up the bed sheets and your pj's. i also hate the cramps and the RUNNING to the bathroom as soon as you wake up so you won't make a mess! and feeling all tired and irritable.  

  9. Cramps and irritability. I tend to get mad easily a day before my period.  

  10. the cramps and not being able to have s*x, unless you with a guy who just don't care, but its still a smelly bloody mess.

  11. heavy periods prevent me from leaving my house for almost two days.  oh, I enjoy being a girl

  12. PAIN...cramps, headaches

    mood swings

    feeling disgustingly wet 'down there'

  13. it's all horrible!! men have it so easy!! the cramps, bloating, mood swings, sleepless nights, feeling tired, chocolate cravings...

  14. Emotionally - Sress and sensitivity, leading to irritability, 2-3 days up to beginning

    Physically - Cramps

    Depo Provera can be your best friend EVER!

  15. stumach cramps and having to keep changing

  16. always having to go to the bathroom to change ur tampon even if u dont have to pee u have to remember to change it. Also the emotional roller coaster ur hormones take u on is not fun at all.  

  17. Not being able to have s*x, or if you do, having a mess!

  18. the yuckyness of it lmao changing the pads i think   i dont really get cramps so cant complain

  19. The awful cramps that you have to bear through. Midol will be your best friend.

  20. the cramps... and the uncontrollable mood swings!!

  21. not having it

  22. you can't go to the beach/amusment park/swimming without having to worry.

    i'm going to hershey park this weekend :/

  23. For me, it's just about everything about it!

    I hate the fatigue that comes right before my period.  

    I hate the zits I get.

    I hate being irritable, and snapping at the stupidest little thing....and EVERYTHING irritates me!

    I hate the cravings, and the water weight.

    I hate the sore b*****s I get.  Wearing a sports bra all the time during your period stinks!

    I hate the miserable cramps that NOTHING helps.

    I hate having to worry about bleeding through and ruining my clothing.

    I hate the horrible headaches I get (sometimes completely debilitating).

    I hate spending 10 out of every 30 days each month "on the rag."

    Frankly it's ALL h**l!

  24. not having any pads or tampons available when starting!!!!

  25. leaks.

    and CRAMPS.


  26. Ugh everything. I hate it =[. In your first couple of years you don't know when its comming!

    answer mine:;...

  27. I just can't find a good ending to my sentence>.

  28. cramps, feeling disgusting

  29. for me NOTHING, its just really annoying, expesially, when you are active most of the time.

  30. dealing wit the cramps, the feeling of the blood coming out, ALWAYS being prepared. If Aunt Flow was real woman, I would beat her

  31. I'd say the PMT because I have been known to upset people and have a few fallouts because of it. It can upset not only you, but other people too. Apparently when you are on your period it is best to be around other people on their period because the moodyness cancels the other one out >.<


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