
What's the hardest thing about AP Bio?

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I'm taking AP Bio my upcoming junior year and I was wondering what's the hardest thing about it. I already took biology my freshman year and I got straight A's except the last term I got a B because we got into genetics. As of now I'm working on my summer assignments. My school uses the Campbell Biology book and it sucks. I understand that at the AP level the reading is very difficult but ugh, that book just explains things in a very wordy and confusing way. I'm very willing to put in the effort and the time but I'm worried because I'm not necessarily the best test-taker. Any tips on how to survive the course?




  1. I agree, I'll be a junior next year, but I took AP bio last year and with be taking AP Chem, the campbells book sucks.  

    just listen to the teacher, and keep and study everything they give you.

    the reading isnt that hard its just worded terribly. get help from anyone you can.

  2. Take great notes, I took this class last year in High School and I will admit, its pretty hard.

    The hardest thing is def. the AP test at the end. You work really hard in the class, so you dont want to mess up on the test.

  3. its actually a really easy class but a lot of reading/studying on your own time. manage your time well and you will for sure get a 4 or 5

  4. AP Biology is a hard class because there is so much material.  I took the class my sophomore year and we used the Campbell book too and I agree that it does suck but it is definitely worth it to read the book.  Take really good notes and read the book whenever assigned to because it will really help and do not be scared to ask the teacher questions because it wil be very helpful especially when it comes to topics you do not understand (I would assume genetics for you).  If you can try to take a genetics course along with AP Biology so that it will help you understand it better.  Any extra opportunity at learning the material will be helpful when it comes to the exam which is pretty hard.  I had a horrible teacher but I read every chapter in the book, despite it being very wordy, and I ended up having the highest grade in my class with an A in the class and a 5 on the exam.  My school gave us several packets, if your school does the same, make sure that you do them completely and do not copy from other people because you will not learn the material.  

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