
What's the hardest thing to walk away from???

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Thanks to all that answered...

The hardest thing for me to walk away from would be my passion...




  1. Habits. Good or Bad.

  2. True love.

  3. Myself. Which is why I choose to be my own best friend as opposed to my own worst enemy.

  4. Pain...

  5. Your highest value, of course.

  6. LOVE!

  7. love

  8. One's own stubborn philosophy

  9. a sincere friendship whose time has come.

  10. A friend that you are in love with when they are not in love with you only to return upon maturing to come back as friends. This is rarely achieved but it was admittedly one of the hardest things I have ever done.

  11. Some one you love who no longer loves you but will stay on your account .

  12. loved ones

  13. Your shadow.

  14. I think it's hard to (willingly) walk away from people you love and care about....

    I don't know about the hardest thing....chocolate (cake), perhaps :D

  15. You. you are the hardest thing to walk away from.

  16. myself

  17. FUN !!

    Children and adults alike... you would never want to give up anything that you are truly enjoying.

    Thats hard... because it breaks your heart.

  18. Death.

  19. An apology and the fact of apologizing.

  20. Leaving  a  loved one  when  your traveling!!

  21. G That avatar.

  22. walking in the streets by apologizing and because of your noise

  23. our weaknesses sometimes.

  24. Money. I've seen people give up everything but I have yet to come across someone who walked away from money.

  25. Quick setting concrete.

  26. Comfort zone

  27. someone u love.. and knowing that you will never have a chance to see them again.....

  28. superglued shoes

  29. genuine repentance... once it comes, it will take you to task and there is no way you can escape.

  30. ...a loving invitation...

  31. A really big mistake! It seems if you trash your cage it just haunts you forever, no matter where you run. LOL!


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