
What's the hardest thing you've ever had to overcome?

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and how did you overcome it?




  1. I haven't overcome it yet.

  2. ankle surgery to repair a torn ligament.

    a mixture of three different casts, and crutches for four months. not being able to walk on my own for four months, and then taking three months to gain strength back. i am now walking normally but it was very hard to overcome that struggle. i tried to stay positive and to find one small thing each day that i could do. like take a shower or take one step. it was helpful, but a very long process!

  3. Regret

    I haven't really overcome it. Yet.

    But it's in the words over come

    you be the bigger person and come over it.

  4. eating disorder...lots of therapy moral support and small baby steps

  5. My dog's death.

    to overcome it: we got a cat :D Haha. And I cried lots.

  6. When I was one year old, my mother and father got a divorce because of my dad's drug addiction. It put my mother into financial bankruptcy, and he left her to be a single parent with sole custody of me. Aside from the obvious financial burdens that we have overcome together (we now live in a great condo, and she has paid off her last credit card), I have always had a secret obstacle. I have never really had someone to teach me how to be a good man.

    Sure, I could have looked elsewhere in my family. My Grandpa is a great guy, but I didn't want to have to ask him for advice. I was a teenager: I wanted someone who I could talk to who could help me figure it all out.

    When I was in the sixth grade I met my best friend. In the six years that we have been friends he has taken me from being an awkward, and effeminate emotional wreck, to a confident, and social fella. There are still some things that I have to work on (modesty being one of them) but I know that now that I have someone who put me on the right path, I can figure those things out down the line.

    Like the Beatles say, "I get by with a little help from my friends"


  7. dat tym me n my family went over seas n then it was my dad's b'day. Then, my grandpa died!

    i felt as if my heart juz fell!

    I overcome it by doing Yoga...

    It works!

  8. losing the girl i really loved to another man...

  9. having a friend die.

    Its not something you ever really overcome.

    its something that stays with you forever and you might stop thinking about it as much after a while or you might be able to talk about it without getting upset but you never 'get over it'

    things like losing someone.. its like a scar.. it odesnt ever go awway.

    its been about 5 months.. and sometimes i still dnont even beleive it happened. I think it was a nightmare and then.. i realize its reality and the n all of the grieving kind of starts again.

    So, i gues its the hardest thing ive ever had to deal with. and im dealing with it. but i will always be in the process. becasue i will never go away.

  10. hmm being a foster and living with my aunt and uncle at the age of 3 and a mom dying wen i was 12 XD uhh i guess thats it XD hmm i had a bff since i was like 10 and a bf since i was 15 and now i am almost 18 and graduated high school and almost out of the house can't wait ^^  

  11. small guilt...

    for some reason

    i feel bad about things really easily..

    so i was in a parking lot

    and there was this old guy who had a really bad limp and wanted our cart and tried to yell for it across the parking lot...

    i heard him but ignored him

    i got in the car and looked back

    and i felt so bad...

    i felt like i had just done something worse than murder...

    and then i went to palm springs and there were so many homeless people which reminded me of the old man and made me feel even worse!!

    haven't overcome it yet...

    but i believe that god will give me chances to make up for it.

  12. my reputation changing drastically

  13. My grandma's death

    I'm not really over it

    I kind of just blocked it from my mind and deal with it a little bit at a time

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