
What's the healthiest drink that you like?

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What's the healthiest drink that you like?




  1. Water, and ever since I came to this country I've been addicted to fruit smoothies. And milk.

  2. Purified water.

    But if you want something other than water then...

    XS Energy Drink Peach Tea Blast. It has green, white, and black tea in it. There is more EGCG antioxidants in it than any green or white tea on the market. It has 0 sugar, 0 carbs, and 10 calories. It tastes GREAT too!

  3. I would have to say water because you need it and it is fun to play in and its cheap

  4. i drink v8 it makes me  lose weight

  5. Water, no sugar = no calories.

  6. Apart from water: I like V8 and pure, fresh squeezed carrot juice.

  7. water, I drink it all day long.

  8. Verve Energy drink... Tastes like Cactus cooler, gives me an energy boost and has all the vitamins and nutrients to qualify it as a dietary supplement.

  9. It's a choice between vanilla flavored soymilk,Orangina,or any type of smoothie with yogurt or soymilk in it.

  10. Milk milk milk. Water is slightly acidic and can therefore dammage teeth so therefore milk is healthier ( i like both) but milk is the best.

  11. coke

  12. a mango juice taste really good

  13. club soda mixed with white grapefruit juice

  14. spicy V8

  15. WATER!!! It is almost the healiest drink u can drink. it can also save ur life.

  16. ice tea :P

  17. sobe (grab the lizard by the tail)

  18. dont laugh.... slim-fast, cappuccino delight. can drink it alllll day. I love it over shaved ice!

  19. i like water but i LOVE innocent smoothies they fill you upbut are 100% fruit

  20. Water during the day

    wine at night

  21. Gotta go for water

  22. pure grapefruit juice mixed with green tea

  23. grapefruit juice,

  24. smoothies, water,  v8 is also REALLY good

  25. water

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