
What's the highest level of Calculus?

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I heard that there is Calculus I,II,III, but I also hear that Advanced Calculus is the highest, I'm confused, please help??




  1. It depends on how the school sets it up, and at one point you stop calling a certain branch of mathematics "calculus".  I went to a school that even had Calculus IV and V at some point.  

    Technically, you could call a class like "Differential Equations" a form of calculus, because differential equations have derivatives which are part of calculus.  When I was getting my Bachelor's in mathematics, I took that along with "Advanced Differential Equations", "Mathematical Modeling with Differential Equations", and others.  Similarly, I had classes in graduate school that built off of that.  

    At that point, it's hard to say which is the "highest level", because you can have people using calculus in completely different ways to make two very different classes.  For example, an advanced statistics class that makes use of integrals is not necessarily "higher" or "lower" than an engineering class that uses integrals for things like fluid dynamics.

  2. The highest I've heard of is Calc III, but that's the highest for high school (pre-college class), I'm sure there are higher levels

  3. I do believe it's multi-variable calculus, now whether that's Cal I, II, III or anythin else varies from institution to institution.  

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