
What's the jealousy meant to be about?

by Guest63629  |  earlier

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My friend sent me a photo of himself in a lewdish situation with a blonde. What am I supposed to be jealous of, his conquest, or his sexual ability?




  1. Pick one, please?

    The Graph is sour or the Vinegar is awfully sour?

    imao. this senario is to angry u off to jealous.

  2. if u ask a question of jealous, that meant u are not jealous because a jealous person wont ask jealousy question. dun believe, check it out on question history about jealous. imao...perhap might a little of anger of what showing off on u.


    he is trying to shake u off the cruelest way instead of a nice way cos deadly fast and full stop. funny, how come someone knows the guy what he has and what he does not have so much? imao....


    he is drawing your attention to him. LURE U! as simple as ABC.


    are u his best buddy friends?


    just plunk the sweetest graph and enjoy the sweetness.

  3. Jealousy I am afraid is like hunger or reaction to physical pain. You can not control it.

    It basically is that as humans we stand a better chance if we are "with " someone. So we get this jealousy thing if we think that some one might be taking some one from us.

    Pretty F***** since we are no longer living in caves, and men are such a******s.

  4. I’d send it back along with a note saying thanks for the laughs.  Tell him your friends and you were in stitches over this picture and you admire his willingness to subject himself to such ridicule by sharing this photo which is indicative of his underlying immaturity.  Ask him for more pics when he gets enough money to spend on another “friend.”

  5. If you loved him, you would probably be. I think jealousy is evolution's way to keep couples together to secure babies maturing and growing up. Human babies need a father and a mother.

  6. jealous that he's with someone who's not you. You're missing out. is it an ex or just a 'friend' in which case it's maybe not jealousy but he's just showing her off to impress you.  

  7. hiak hiak hiak lol....

    immature is always better than mature because maturity bites to the teeth of jealousy which it is same like a dog and a dog is a dog. nothing else. hee hee..

  8. In this case wise up and leave that boy.  If you are not good enough for him to leave him to his own folly and foolishness.  

  9. Are you jealous of him or the blonde? You probably feel that the blonde is stealing your friend from you, you wonder what the blonde has to offer that you haven't. Your jealousy may even be a manifestation of the fear you feel at the possibility of losing the friend.

  10. Personally I think his ego has gotten the best of him, and he's probably trying to show off that he can have anyone he wants. So if you are getting jealous, then it could be that you are wanting what he is giving the other girl.

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