
What's the largest family tree ever recorded?

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Can anyone give me a link to the largest single family tree ever recorded? I think mine's pretty big, 220 people and 12 generations.




  1. I would guess the British Royal Family.

  2. Well, you are off to a good start.  I have thousands of direct ancestors, more than 100 generations on my Mom's side; only 14 on my Dad's side (early 1400s in Germany).

    One of the trees I have connected to has more than a million entries...(It is in

  3. I have over 49,000 people in my genealogical database in one tree alone.  I have a friend that researches primarily only one surname and he has over 30,000 people in that database.

    You are off to a good start, but I guess you are talking about direct lines and not the whole family tree.  I stopped counting after I went back 14 generations as that only got me back to the late 1500's.  There is only two of my family lines that I can't get back further than 6 generations and that is because for one of them I don't have the tiem or money to go to Germany and do more research at this time, the other is just a common name that I just haven't broken the brickwall yet but I will eventually. ;-)

    I'm not sure what the largest tree is but I know for a fact that some of the Jewish genealogies are quite extensive.

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