
What's the least expensive residential home phone in Canada? It can be VOIP as well.?

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I am moving to Calgary and I want to subscribe for a inexpensive home phone. I don't use it that much and I dont want to pay 40 bucks a month for Bell, Telus .....




  1. I live in Calgary.

    I dumped Telus last year in exchange for VoIP.

    I have high-speed Internet with Shaw Cable (no contracts).

    Then I subscribe to InPhonex LiteLine as my main home phone provider.  LiteLine is only $7.95/month with unlimited incoming + 2.5 cent/min out-gong calls.  1-800 calls are free.  Includes e911 and voice-mail and Calling Card access world-wide.  No Contracts, No obligations, and No Non-sense service.

    I also have a 2nd VoIP line with CallCentric for only $1.95/month + 1.5 cent/min incoming calls + 1.98 cent/min outgoing calls. Includes voice-mail and world-wide Calling Card access.  No contracts, no obligations, no non-sense service.

    I purchased my Linksys PAP2T VoIP adapter through VoIP Depot in Canada.

    or if you need a built-in router use the Linksys SPA2102

    Then configured it myself for InPhonex on line-1 and CallCentric on line-2.  No contracts, no obligations, no minimums, no non-sense.  With the Linksys VoIP adapter, you don't need a PC running to make VoIP calls (unlike MagicJack).

    With InPhonex and CallCentric you will get a Calgary phone number..... not a USA number only, like some other VoIP services...


    Go that site for more information.

    If you want cheap to call anywhere this cost you $19.95 YEARLY

    unlimited call. But depend on your connection must be powered Broadband or LAN high Speed internet connection.

    First time purchase have a Free one year of using MJ after that cost you $19.95 yearly.

    But can't dial into 1800 number, but if you do have a cellphone that would do.

    Connection is crystal clear, there are some problem to the MJ but it's easy to Fix. You don't have to scared to it if there is a problem into MJ it's easy to Fix.

  3. I'm in Canada and am using Majicjack with some success.  Its got a couple warts - for example you can only get an assigned phone number from a US city, and you can't have it plugged into your USB port and do a reboot; but overall its very inexpensive compared to other alternatives; calls to Canada and the US are covered by the annual fee.

    Also, of note, only half way thru the sign up process do you get a message saying the risk free trial period does note apply to Canada.

  4. I have VoIP thru Globalinx and pay $24.95.  It gives me unlimited calls anywhere in the U.S., Canada, Puerto Rico, U.S. Virgin Islands, United Kingdom, Ireland, Italy, Spain, France and China!  I have the E911 feature as well.  It works great with me and I don't have to deal with expensive residential home phone at all.  Plus if I want to travel, I can take it with me and it'll work too!  Check out the website. You will need to go into 'products' then into 'voip'.

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