
What's the liberal obsession with the word 'diversity'?

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I mean, they don't really believe in diversity so why is it one of the main tenets of their catechism?

For those of you who either don't understand that liberals are not interested in diversity or who fervently believe that they are interested in diversity, I'd like to pose the following & request an explanation from you:

If liberals are so fascinated with diversity (in a good way, if you listen to them wax lyrical on the subject), please explain why they hold the view that they do regarding Condoleeza Rice.

By way of explanation: If Condoleeza Rice (or any other g*y, black female) had been Bill Clinton's Sec'y. of State & National Security Advisor, she would have been held up as the Second Coming (don't laugh, I'm deadly serious here).

Obviously, liberals DO NOT consider Condoleeza Rice to be the Second Coming. The reason being, & feel free to disagree with me (intelligently, if at all possible!), BECAUSE SHE'S A REPUBLICAN. DUH!




  1. Condaleeza Rice had a memo stating that Osama bin Laden was going to attack and did nothing, not even suggest to her boss that perhaps it wasn't the right time to go on vacation.

    I like Colin Powell and he's a republican.

  2. I'm personally middle of the road. but Condi Rice has shown that she"s not much more then a high profile mouth piece for the Bush administrations failed foreign and domestic policy's. i mean,what exactly has she done that's so earth shattering,not to mention helping the U.S. as a country?

  3. there is no logic to a liberal so don't expect reasonable answers

  4. Condi Rice was fine with me until she found no threat in the CIA memo "Bin Laden determined to strik in the US". She botched her, no I do not support her. I do support Colin Powell....who also botched his job, but was lied to about the information he was given. I feel badly for him that this administration soiled his great reputation.

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