
What's the life span of a goldfish and what size tank do i need for it?

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  1. Fancy goldfish-15-20 years. 20 gallon tank minimum. They will eventually grow out of a 10 gallon tank. In the tank 10 gallons should be for each goldfish. No, they can not be in bowls.

    Common and Comet goldfish-up to 50 years. Some people will tell you comet goldfish often sold as feeders only get a few inches when they can get a foot or more. They need 50 gallons for every 2, and do best in a pond. No, not for bowls. In bowls there growth becomes stunted. Only there internal organs continue to grow resulting in a very shortened lifespan and there organs will either stop working or rupture causing them to die in a few short years.=(

  2. Depends on what type of goldfish you are looking for.

    Life span for a goldfish is upwards 30+ years.

    If you want a fancy goldfish then you should get a 20g + 10g for each additional

    Common, comets, shubunkin, sarasa I would reccomend 30+g + 10g for each additional fish with the knowledge you will need to upgrade as they get bigger because they can reach 24 inches.

    Goldfish are very social and do better in pairs or more.

  3. 25+ years if cared for properly.

    Koi are too big for an aquarium and should only be kept in ponds.

    75 gallons for a common goldfish. (do best in ponds)

    50 gallons for a comet goldfish. (do best in ponds)

    40 gallons for a shubunkin.

    20 gallons for a fancy goldfish.

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