
What's the likelihood of me having twins?

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Hi. I'm Clare and I'm 24, almost 25 and I have three children. I am pregnant with my fourth child.

My first two children were twin boys. My next was a girl. This child's gender is unknown.

Neither of my parents have twins and none of my aunts or uncles have twins or HAD twins/multiples.

My grandmother on my fathers side had two sets of multiples. My great grandmother on my mothers side had one set of twins.

What's the likelihood of me giving birth to another set of multiples in the future?




  1. If your twins are identical, you have no greater a chance of having twins again, if they are fraternal, then you double ovulate sometimes and your chances are increased greatly.  Your paternal grandmother having twins does not affect you. Only your mothers side.  

    I am 36 having my fourth with fraternal twins on my mothers side, and this baby is only a singleton (like my other children.)

  2. it is all luck of the draw.  If your body ovulates multiple eggs then you may have a great chance. Or if 2 sperm get into the egg at the same time, or if the egg splits twice....etc...

    I know a woman who had twins back to back.  whew!  But the first heart beat audio should tell if there are 2 beats!!  Good luck!!!

    Enjoy!!  i loved being pregnant!!

  3. The ability to get twins depends on your side of the family (not your husband's).  It all boils down on your inherited ability to ovulate multiple eggs or for your egg to split.  There's no such thing as two sperms entering one egg and sperm doesn't effect the splitting into two embryos.  The more twins in YOUR family, the more likely are you to have them.  

    Good luck with your pregnancy!!

  4. you have a good husbands uncle was the only one in his family to have twins but we almost had a set.i lost them (boys) in a car wreck.the more sets in a family the more likely

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