
What's the longest amount of time you've gone without s*x?

by  |  earlier

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And how do you feel about that? Was it your choice or just circumstance?




  1. Well initially 19 years...but since my last time it's been, a few weeks...

  2. 4 years. It wasnt by choice I just didnt have a partner.  

  3. The longest time for me was a whole week and it was because of the different schedules my lover and i had that week. Of course sometimes you have to go with Plan B, which is "take care of it yourself" and you all know what i mean ;-)

  4. About 4 years!  Not by choice!  

  5. 14 years ;D

    its my choice =D

  6. A few months, my wife was having some health problems.  

  7. 2 months and it was horrible boyfriend got surgey

  8. Two years, by choice of particular reason other than waiting for the "right" woman.

  9. I'm a virgin but iam addicted to self pleasuring.

    My choice only 4 days without just to see if i could do it.

  10. ANY time without s*x is too long!

    (But actually, I went about five years without s*x until I started testosterone replacement therapy.  Now I have s*x five, six times a week — yes, it's true:  men in their 50s DO enjoy having s*x!)

    Right now, I've gone five days:  somehow, having had major surgery on my knee and being on heavy duty pain meds seems to have killed my s*x drive!

  11. LOL. I have not had s*x since 2006, I think. It was kind of a choice. I just could not find a sane person to do it with! And I have been single since 2004. Man, I sound pathetic!!

    How do I feel? I feel horny as h**l! LOL I miss s*x...

  12. Unless you count my first 15 years, a few months.

    I go through periods where I'm interested in it, and then times when I'm not interested at all in it, usually if I'm stressed. I'm strange like that!

  13. My whole life. I'm not pleased. In a way it's my choice because I don't want to sleep with just anyone, and in another way it's circumstance because I haven't found the right person yet.

  14. I have went one month without having s*x, and I was down right evil!!

  15. boyfriend thought i only wanted him for s*x

    so he made me quit having s*x with him for 3 months

    it was h**l

    but i got through it

    now we are living a fairy tale y'all!!!

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