
What's the longest journey you've ever been on?

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And also, what did you do on your long journey? I'm going on a train soon for 5 hourse and i need to know what to do on the journey.




  1. driving from NY to AZ..took about 5 or 6 days...

  2. 2 days (48 hours exactly)-Moscow, Russia to Riga, Latvia.

    I drew a lot of stuff... Read... Talked to the people I was traveling with... Stared out the window.... It was fun. That was on a train.

    5 hours is nothing. XD Plane trip to Moscow from Detroit... 11 hours, not counting waiting time in airport (which is at least 1.5 hours). 8 hours to Frankfurt, Germany, 2 hours waiting for the next flight and getting to the right terminal, 3 hours to Moscow. I do that every year, twice. Once there, once back.

    You can survive 5 hours. I promise. ^.^

  3. from here to Timbucktoo

  4. 5 hours is nothing, you wont hardly have time to get settled in and adjust to the novelty before you arrive.

    The view out of a train is fantastic, plan on watching the world go by.

    If you ar traveling at night, dont go to bed the night before, make sure you are tired when you get on board and you will be able to sleep like a baby as the rocking motion of the train relaxes you.

    Read, do puzzles, listen to music, pack a picnic lunch. On a train you can get up and move about from car to car so make sure you see the entire train before you are done.  

    You will enjoy your trip, relax and enjoy the ride.  

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