
What's the longest you've ever gone without sleeping? ?

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And what were the effects?




  1. I don't know! Probably 2 days but I can probably stay up for a week probably.  

  2. I have gone around 40 hours without sleep (because of a toothache). Like many people, I get a second wind: after about twenty-five hours straight,  I experience a boost of energy. However, I did notice that it was extremely difficult to focus on anything: fortunately, I got the toothache taken care of.

    I have read in reader's digest about a man who stayed up for over a week with no terrible side effects. I guess it is different for everyone. Try looking it up on Wikipedia. Also, if you want to experiment with sleep deprivation, I suggest doing it over a week-long break and without energy drinks: without a toothache or caffeine to assist, it is actually a lot harder and more interesting to experience than you'd think. (Without a toothache, I only made it about thirty five hours.) Good luck.  

  3. Just before I was diagnosed with bipolar disorder 11 yrs ago, I was in an extreme "cycle" of swinging between depression and mania. I stayed awake 24 hrs a day for 16 days straight. Absolutely true.


    I had very little motor skill function, I could not think about anything at all (other than the delusions I was going through) my brain could not distinguish reality from those delusions, I was hysterical and crying one minute and then laughing and dancing the next, I tried to jump out of my kitchen window from the 3rd floor of the apartment building I lived in, I did not eat the entire time, I only smoked cigarettes and drank soda, I had all the lights on in the apartment (because in my delusion, I was afraid of the dark) and I'm not afraid of it in reality. These were the things I remembered. Apparently, I did a whole lot more than that (according to neighbours and my doctor). After being admitted to emergency at the hospital, I was diagnosed, medicated and treated right away. I slept for 48 hrs straight in the hospital after I was interviewed and admitted. I do not remember to this day what happened between being interviewed and waking up after sleeping the 2 days.    

  4. about 3 days.

    I got a red rash on my arms for some reason

    That's honestly it.

  5. I've gone 30 hours or so on a handful of occasions.  I go from cranky to incoherent, and become prone to bursting into tears for no real reason.

  6. 4 days and lots of Amp energy drinks.  I was very sick to my stomach and paranoid I had a hard time focusing mentally and physically.

  7. ive gone about 32 hours without sleep and when i finnely got sleep i only got 2 hours only to of had to wake up and do something else.  

  8. 24 hrs.

    The doctor ordered me to stay up that long so that the next day he could run some tests on me.  I was epileptic.  I can easily stay up that long now but try asking a 10 year old kid to do that it sucks.  You can only play so much Connect 4 before you lose your mind..haha

  9. 2 days, almost 48 hours without closing the eyes and 3 days with a couple of 20 minutes naps...

    side effects?.............. REALLY TIRED and a bad mood....

  10. I've gone without sleep for two days.  

    I became overtired.  In other words, my body ached for sleep, but my mind continued to be awake.  

    It was most uncomfortable.  I finally crashed and slept.  I slept for about nine hours and woke up feeling fine.  Thank goodness!

  11. 24 hrs. Your sleepy and disoriented. You may hallucinate if you go without sleep for too long.

  12. 24 hours.  I'd feel out of it and get p*ssed off at the stupidest things.  No fun, everyone needs their sleep.

  13. 4 days - with a high intake of bioplus, caffeine and other "uppers".  I had to work and deliver a project on day 4.  I was histerical at times, had problems concentrating at times, had a small nervous breakdown after my plane took of for my destination - seemed to much.

  14. about 4 days and i was hallucinating toward the end. i worked graveyard as a security guard and i would see the mall filled with people at 2 am.  i dont recomend putting sleep off.

  15. Maybe 36 hours in the military. Near the end you get very loopy and can pass out if you even sit down for a second.

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