
What's the longest you can suffer from sciatica?

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and what can help to get rid of it?




  1. My brothers missus has had that. Its a trapped nerve if I remember; and it causes agony..

  2. iv got it and i swear by exercise especially the exercise bike iv been training now for 2 years and avnt had a flare up since and im fit and healthy good luck:)

  3. once you have comes & goes forever!!  you just have to take it easy as this is a weakness that can get better...then start up again quickly if you do something a bit awkwardly!

  4. I have had sciatica since i had my son who is now 16.

    Its never gone completely.

  5. The rest of your life.

    Rest, medication and physical therapy can help improve it, but it's very easy to aggravate sciatic nerve injuries.

  6. I am afraid that the condition may persist indefinitely. Ensure that you are no more than your ideal weight. Physio and appropriate exercises are the best option and hope of long term relief.

  7. Are you 100% sure that it is your sciatic nerve? I had pain that was very similar to sciatic nerve pain and I ended up having a huge blood clot from my groin to my knee. Your leg's not swollen or anything is it?If it is sciatic nerve pain, you may need to see a neurosurgeon. It may need surgical intervention.  

  8. You can rid yourself of this problem in about a week. It involves no surgery or pain meds.

    The muscle  and nerve need to be exercised and stretched EVERY DAY.

    Go here for a list of the exercises you need to learn, and do them every single day. You'll feel relief immediately, and over time, will not have the problem  at all.

  9. Sciatic pain can be caused by several factors.

    Degenerative disc pressing on nerve.

    Prolapsed disc.

    Herniated disc, ( if it is causing loss of feeling in leg or bladder retention, then surgery is usually required)

    Inflammation of tissues surrounding nerve.

    But the most common, and one that few people understand, is that it can be caused by the sub conscious as a diversion to stress or problems at home or work place. This is called TMS. (Tension Myositis Syndrome)

    Recognising the problem and dealing with it has been found to relieve or completely cure the pain in a matter of days.

  10. You won't get rid of sciatica. It'll always be there. It usually flares up quite badly every now and again. My dad had a severe form and it would often leave him dibilitated for weeks at a time. He was given daily medication to ease the pain.

  11. I had sciatica for 18 months,caused by a trapped nerve in my the end I had to have an operation to release it.

    It was such a relief to get rid of that intence pain...GOOD LUCK.

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