
What's the longest you felt like crying all the time?

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and why?




  1. For about 6 months.  My grandmother was in hospice then passed away from complications of Alzheimer's.  It broke my heart when she didn't recognize me.  Two and a half years later, something will remind me of her and still make me cry.

  2. A year and a half maybe a couple of months more, i was depressed glad to have gotten over that now!

  3. a year and maybe 8 months.

    combination of getting beat and kicked out of my house, living in my car, not having a job, and there was this girl who stuck with me though it all and she eventually left me too.

    But I'm all good now

  4. I cried for 3 weeks one time when a guy broke up with me. I found out he was married and he said he was leaving his wife to be with me, and then he dissappeared. He later contacted me and said that his parents made him stay with his wife. Then I realized I didn't want a guy who let his parents tell him what decisions to make in life, so then I was all better.

    What a waste of tears.

    Although, sometimes I do still cry over missing my Dad. He died 11 years ago. It isn't constant though, just once in a while.

  5. About 4 years, life has been a little rocky the last couple of years. I know it was caused by the bad decisions i made but i felt like and still do a little that i didn't deserve the cr*p i was being dealt. I didn't know how to deal with my feelings or how best to express them and it caused me a lot of heart ache. I made bad decisions but it seemed that everytime i made the right one, i'd make 3 wrong ones to out do them. I had some good times but i couldn't fully enjoy them because i knew at some point it would all come crashing down. I still have the same problem and its something i'm trying to work on but changing who you have been for four years is difficult :(

  6. hmm...when i had leave my best cousin... i cried a lot!!!

  7. erm probably a couple of weeks.  

  8. Jesus christ, at least 6 months. it was absolute h**l.

    And it was for many reasons, like i wanted someone (i still want them) that played with my feelings even though its taking advantage, i was being hated and ridiculed by my "friends" for no reason, was suicidal, was alone and couldnt talk to anyone (so i resorted to deliberately setting myself up with a paedophile who groomed me on the net, just so i could talk to anyone),used to cut myself and bash my head against the wall (i still do that sometimes tho)  and just generally felt depressed.

    but im better now so : ] things are great

  9. about 35 years, and i don't know why

  10. Around eight months.

    It was after my best friend committed suicide.  I was very depressed and attempted suicide myself.  It hurts so much.

  11. 10 years it was because my father passed away when I was 13 and we were very close. For years I cried couldn't understand why god would take him from me. I went through a rough patch of crying all the time.  

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