
What's the longest you have been away from your baby? How old is he/she?

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Uhhhh, thumbs down for what now?!??! Lame people!!!




  1. Almost four days.

    I got sick when she was 6 weeks old and found out I had pancreatitis as a result of gallstones. I had to have my gallbladder removed, but my pancreatic enzymes had to stabilize before surgery could be performed. They hooked me up to an IV and starved me for 3-1/2 days. I wasn't even allowed to have water. We didn't know what was wrong with me or why my stomach hurt so bad, so we were admitted through the ER. I was NOT expecting another four-day stint in the hospital, only six weeks after a c-section! It was awful. My husband brought her in a few times, but the nurses wouldn't let her stay because they were overcrowded. It was an emergency, so I wasn't able to get a private room. I cried the entire time I was there, and the doctor actually released me just a few hours after the surgery because he knew I had a new baby at home. Luckily I was able to have it done laparascopically, so recovery was much easier than it would have been had I needed to be opened completely. I am so thankful that the problem was caught sooner than later...the stones in my gallbladder weren't very big, but if my enzymes had continued to skyrocket, I would have been in a LOT of trouble.  

  2. About 15 hours.  I was in the hospital when I had my apendix removed.  My kids were almost 3 years and 9 months.  I need a break!

  3. The longest I have ever been away from my child was right over 3 hours.He was 5 weeks old at the time & daddy wanted a day out with me.I thought that I could handle it longer but I couldn't.I had to go back and get him.He is 4 1/2 months now & I haven't left him for any more long periods since that one.

    Eta-Since everyone seems to be getting thumbs down from someone,thought I would give you all a thumbs up :D

  4. 3 hours

    My son is 6.5 months and breastfed.


    I'm noticing that everyone is getting thumbs down.  Wjat are you looking for?  People who hve been gone for 2 weeks?  Be more specific in your question if you don't like the answers!!

  5. 2 nights...and almost 16 months old. we were getting ready to move across country and she stayed with my mom because we had to clean the apartment and finish packing. she was only supposed to keep her for one night, and then she called and asked if she could keep her again for a nother and because we had so much work yet to finish i said ok, but i made her bring her buy so i could kiss her..and tell her that i love her.

    *edit*...i noticed it too..what with all the thumbs down. some moms have business they need to take care of.. like for example if one has a job that inquires them to go on a small business trip..what are we supposed to tell them no, because we would be leaving are children with some one other than our selves. if that is the case, then why do women even bother going to college and getting CAREERS. or why do women bother going on business trips.  i understand that there are a lot of single mothers out there, that dont always have this privlage as i was one, when i had my first child. but it doesnt seem far for the thumbs down because we have to go to work. and make money to support our children.

  6. 3 nights when my daughter was 16 months old, I was giving birth to my son and was in the hospital.

  7. 10 hours - to work and commute. She is 4 and a half months.

  8. From Friday at 9am to Sunday at 4pm.  He was 3 months old, and we NEEDED a weekend away, and my in-laws are great with him, and always beg to let us take him for a few hours.  So, they loved having him the whole weekend.  I missed him, but had fun camping and canoeing so it wasn't that bad.

  9. Hmmm... Maybe like 10 hours?  I've never spent the night away from him before... but it sounds like I will be at the end of this month - my friends want to take me out for my 30th b-day and grandma wants to babysit.  If I drink, I'll probably just stay at my friends house for the night.  We'll see what happens though, lol

    He's 9 months.

  10. 3 nights / 7 months

    *edit* and we're blessed enough to have a wonderful family on both sides that want to keep him for one night each weekend so drink on that haterade a**holes!

  11. a little over 2 hours he's 5 months and i called twice

  12. When Ian was 2 months old we stayed away over night for our 1st anniversary. It's the longest we've been away from him and he's 10 1/2 months old now. He did fine. Aaron and I were the ones who stressed over missing him...we got back and he was happy as could be with his pop and grandmama...we're planning a night or 2 away again in November...I'm sure we'll be missing him more than he'll miss us. ;) Sometimes you've got to take a breather....happy parents, relaxed and reenergized parents make for a happy baby!! On a side note...thumbs up to everyone!!

  13. About sixteen hours.  My sister in law was having her baby and my mom kept Emma from about 9:00 at night until 12:00 the next day.  She was eight months then and nine months now.  My mom of course thinks she can stay all night now, she does not realize it was an exception.

    TO ADD - If I was going somewhere or had plans where I would be really busy I think I could leave her for a night, but if I were just at home I would think about her too much.  That will probably change when the second baby comes though!

  14. Just under 12 hours.  I was matron of honor in a wedding.  He was at the hotel with his dad.  It was really difficult - on everyone...

    He was 10 months old.  I am going to be away for another full day next week for a corporate training class (I work from home.).  Grandma will have him and plans a really fun day.  I hope it goes okay.  If not, I will be turning around and coming back.  He will be a year old.

  15. the longest i have been away from my daughter was a week. she was 5 months old, but now shes 7 months. it was hard. but her dad and i had just got married to we were on our honey moon

  16. 2 days..

    Today she is  3 weeks and 6 days.

    I couldn't see her from the day she was born until 2 days later. That broke my  heart. She was born early, so she had to be in the NICU since she was born and she is still there today.

  17. My son is five and I have never been away from him (I have full custody, single father)  I couldn't imagine not kissing him goodnight.  

  18. 2 hours..... my son is 6 months old.  And then a 1 hour period another time...... in total we have only been apart for 3 hours.

  19. 12-14hours

    6months old

  20. 3 hours, he is 6 1/2 months.

  21. Evil working mother that I am...

    I spent a week away from him when he was six months because my job sent me away to a (mandatory) conference. I had planned to bring him with me and had arranged for my MIL come with me (bought plane ticket and everything) and at the last minute her doctor wouldn't clear her to fly because of a medical condition (DVT). So baby spent a week with Daddy and Grandma came to our house to help. It was VERY hard. I missed him like crazy. We set up a web cam so that he and I could "talk" often, but I really missed the cuddles. I hope I never have to be away for that long again in the near future.

    He's almost 8 months now and though it was tough on us both, we got through it.

    On a side note...I asked this same question while I was away and got a lot of people answering that they had never been away or only for a couple of hours. That is a tough thing to hear when you are forced to be away from your LO for such a long period of time. But, I am blessed that I haven't ever had to be away from him for medical reasons like some people have.

    Edit: I highly doubt it is Rosie giving the thumbs down. She is not like that.

    I'm giving everyone thumbs up too!

  22. 12 hours / almost 3 years old.

    I left my almost 5 and almost 7 year old with my husband once because I had to fly out of state to finalize a home purchase.

    I took the baby with me though.

    they were 3 and 5 at the time and I was gone 3 days.

  23. 9 hours.  I have a 17 month old and a 2 week old.  Oh wait, had to have baby #2 duh, lol,  so 3 days, 2 nights......Wow, what's with all the thumbs down for everybody???

  24. 9 hours (work and run errands)

    He's 5 months old

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