
What's the longest you played a game of Monopoly for?

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What's the longest you played a game of Monopoly for?




  1. I played for five hours once.

  2. When I was younger my soister and I used to start a game on Friday night and play unitl Sunday night, then count money and property and see who won.... unless one of us went bankrupt first....

  3. oh jeezums i think like 4 hours

  4. Many years ago when I lived in an apartment with four other young single people we had a game going for more than a week because we did not ever have time when we were all together to sit down and finish it.  Those were the days when my social life was rather more lively than it  is now!

  5. three hours, we were all stoned out of our minds

  6. how can you play for a day? let alone a week!? Anyway I played for 4 hours

  7. 7 hours until everyone was bankrupt

  8. A week.

    I was little. XD

    My mom made me put it away after that.

    Of course you have to take away the time I slept and eating, and the time it took to get my friend across the street.

  9. it was around a week me my mom and little brother started o ew years but it was golf monoply

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