
What's the main reason for turning vegetarian?

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What's the main reason for turning vegetarian?




  1. I am not happy with the way animals are treated before they die. They have short, sad lives. Check out these sites for more of my reasons.

    I just think it is unfair and plain cruel.

    Once you see some of the videos and pictures, I wonder how anyone can support that kind of abuse.

    Some pretty gross facts:

    85% of chickens in supermarkets have brocken bones. That really shows how well they were looked after...

    Almost all chickens  in supermarkets contain traces of thier own s***. This is because they have been standing in it thier whole lives because thier cages never get cleaned out once during thier entire lives.

    Fish have feelings just like every other animal. They are often either crushed to death or suffocate. Have you seen how thier eyes pop?

    When chickens are bred all the male chicks (you know the cute yellow fluffy ones you eat every easter) are thrown into a meat mincer or thrown into a plastic bag to suffocate. This is because they are considered worthless because they cannot lay eggs.

    And everything Rashvini said was true.

    Still want to eat meat?

    Animals have feelings.

    If you have any questions about it please contact me.

  2. There are hundreds of reasons , here are some which might change your minds. If you love animals then stop!

    # Fishing with drift (and other modern) nets weakens & destroys ecosystems by indiscriminately killing billions of sea creatures & disrupting the sea bed

    # Fishermen's nets kill 10 times as many other animals as the fish they are hoping to catch

    # Fish caught in nets die an agonising slow death of suffocation

    # Each year 15,000,000,000 land animals are slaughtered for food & an unknown but much larger number of sea creatures (including 1000's of dolphins caught accidentally)

    # Chickens are crammed into battery cages with upto 3 other birds, they are unable to even spread their wings & many can not even stand up

    # Unwanted male chicks (because they can't lay eggs) are gassed or pulped while their sisters go to the battery sheds

    # Chicks are debeaked without anaesthetic to prevent them injuring each other in the unnaturally confined conditions they are kept in - this is equivalent to having your fingernails pulled out without anaesthetic

    # Modern farming methods using growth hormones & artificial lighting mean that many chickens out grow their bones, resulting in fractured & broken legs

    # Sows are kept tethered in stalls 1.3 x 1 metre on concrete or slatted floors - they can not even turn around

    # Poultry raised for meat are kept in windowless broiler sheds, with around 20-30,000 in each shed, they live in an area of 10-20 cm square - fighting due to overcrowding is common & like battery hens they commonly suffer from supperating bed sores

    # Broilersheds are artificially lit 23 hours a day to produce rapid growth

    # Animals travel between farms & to slaughter in overcrowded transporters with no food or water - resulting in stress, injuries & deaths - legal requirements are widely ignored

    # 95% of poultry suffer injuries before being killed & 30% suffer broken bones

    # Problems with stunning practices mean that many animals have their throats slit while still conscious (around 6% of cattle or 200,000 per year) & are then dipped in tanks of scalding water (to loosen feathers, bristles etc.) again while fully conscious

    # 4000 animals die spurting their blood out every minute in a British slaughterhouse

    # Calf leather comes from animals killed at just 2 weeks old

    # Cows were fed on the ground up remains of other cows & sheep - the result is thought to be BSE (mad cow disease) in the USA cattle are fed partly on recycled plastic pellets

    # Cows only give milk for 10 months after they have a calf - so they are routinely artificially inseminated (ie. mechanically raped) to keep them pregnant & milking - their calves are taken away (usually at 12 hours old) for meat or export to veal crates

    # Cows would naturally live upto 20 years but are slaughtered after 5-7 years when their milk production begins to fall

    # In the UK animals are killed by first being stunned with electricity or a captive bolt gun (ie. a bolt is fired into their heads) before having their throats slit & being plunged into boiling water - all this happens on a production line with the animals being hung upside down from a moving conveyor belt - this is factory farming

    # "Animals are those unfortunate slaves & victims of the most brutal part of mankind" - John Stewart Mill (philosopher)

    # Veal calves are confined in stalls in the dark, unable to move & are fed on pigs blood , chocolate & dried milk (we are drinking the rich fresh milk of their mothers)

    # Cows naturally produce 5 litres of milk per day for their calves - under the intensified systems of modern farming they produce 25-40 litres per day - resulting in swollen & inflamed udders - at this rate they are soon worn out

    # Large areas of land are under monoculture to grow crops to feed to animals - these areas are wildlife deserts supporting fewer & fewer species.

  3. When you hear about all the recalled beef.  Have you ever seen how the meat in some stores look so brown?  I'm getting very close to being a vegetarian.....

  4. Thought about my food and didnt like that thought.

    Cruelty and health benefits.

  5. Its definitely an individual thing. And usually theres more than one reason and the decision may be made over a process of time. I guess my main reason was health. Then maybe coz it was a bit of a challenge and makes you get more creative (especially as my hubby has a lot of allergies to food as it is), because Ive always liked veggo food. Coz hubby wanted to as well. He suggested it!! And he came from a North Queensland family and his dad was a stockman in his youth!! And it was coz he saw Japanese killing dolphins and dragging them along the gravel etc while kids walked by and he surfs so he didn't want to be all korny but that really affected him and made him think what even cows and stuff go thru. I never liked the idea of killing (couldnt do it myself) for food before that but tried not to think about it and then I just decided to LET myself think about it even though I had laughed at so many crew b4 who seemed weird and on some trip to be veggo for the sake of the animals. Who cares what other people think hey? There are lots of reasons and you dont have to do it for the same reasons as everyone else. Se` La Vie

  6. different reasons for different people. I originally started to lose weight, but after I learned what happens to the animals, I knew this wasnt just a diet...

  7. nothing reallly

  8. I turned vegetarian because I felt unconfortable eating meat and knowing that I was eating an animal.

  9. One major reason is to reduce animal suffering. Many people (myself included) believe that animals should not have to suffer just to please humans' taste buds. There is a ton of information out there about how animals are mistreated on factory farms, so I won't go into detail here. Another major reason is to improve one's health. Vegetarians tend to live longer and have lower risks for many diseases than meat eaters do. Again, there's a lot of information out there to research if you're interested. Yet another reason is to reduce harm to the environment. Raising animals for food is extremely wasteful and inefficient, and causes a lot of water pollution and deforestation. These are just some reasons to become vegetarian, there are many more, but these are the major ones. Hope this helps, and you don't think we're crazy!

  10. To not kill animals.

    Other reasons are:

    - Eating, or overeating, meat may be bad for your health

    - It takes too many resources to feed animals. Farmers have to spend resources to grow food for these animals, for example. Vegetarians feel that it's more efficient for humans to consume plants directly, instead of expending resources to grow plants to feed animals that we're going to eat.

  11. There are lots of reasons people give for becoming vegetarian.

    - Wanting a healthier diet

    - Never liked the taste of meat

    - Animal welfare, or animal rights

    - Allergies to animal products

    - Religious reasons

    - Concern for the environment

  12. 1.) I'm morally against farming animals. There are many local farms that treat animals better, but most of the meat in America are not from local farms. So I am boycotting meat for that reason.

    2.) There are antibiotics and hormones in most supermarket meat. This is to prevent the animals from dying due to the living conditions. It is also to increase profit. Both antibiotics and hormones, when consumed in large amounts, causes health problems.

    3.) When I started eating meat on a regular basis ( in college, I ate it once a week), I began to feel sick and depressed. Eating meat every day isn't good for the health.

    4.) I don't particularly love it anyways.

    BTW, I asked a co-worker who grew up on a farm about why cows give milk. He said that some animals naturally produce milk without being pregnant or recently pregnant. (They might have had to been pregnant once, however). This is also true in humans. If a mother stops breast feeding, she stops producing milk. As long as she keeps doing it, she will produce. Cows are milked daily. That 10 month claim sounds wrong to me.

  13. Earthlings

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