
What's the matter with me...?

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Have you ever had the impression that you couldn't understand yourselves? I can't understand why at this point of my life I'm so bored, dissatisfied and cynical...I was such a sweet child...and there anybody of you surprised at what he/she has become...?




  1. Sounds like you have dealt with a lot of disappointments and cruel people treating you bad.

    Most children are doted on.  When they start to enroll in a society where no one cares about them as family does/did they become more cynical.  They cannot understand why people don't pay attention to them like before and don't think every joke and or word that comes out of their mouth is magical, cute, and clever.

    So they either adapt or become emo and or angry.  They could then transfer themselves to become clever and charming and have their peers dote on them....or they become bitter and want the world to change to suit them....

    No offense, but you sound like the latter.  You won't adapt to them and they won't adapt to you.  But you are perfect which means they are imperfect.  And they are flawed...Not you.

  2. I'm surprised at what a lot of people have become since middle school or elementary school, yes, but I also don't know them, so for all I know something probably happened to them to be what they became.  I didn't know for a long time why I was so angry, depressed and self-destructive, but I've actually recently have been remembering some memories from when I was little to what could have caused that.  I know my dad was very violent and angry, so I think I learned that from him.  

  3. We adapt and expand our characters to fit the environment that we live in.  As a child the world shouldn't present too many problems to us and we look back on those halcyon days with fondness if we are lucky and have had reasonably happy childhoods.  As we get older the pressures of life can become a burden and we adjust our outlook accordingly.

    If we have goals that are within our reach and we aspire to be kind to others along the way we can gain confidence in the knowledge that we are not so bad an individual.

    Having said all that the spark of humanity is an unknown element as it has so many faces, and we can constantly be surprised by the spontaneity with which we act when faced with new and fresh challenges.

    I have found that I try to think about things a little before I act or say anything as my mouth always seems to work independently from my brain, my mouth just opens and out comes a stream of words and I find myself thinking 'did I really just say that?'

  4. Sometimes I am taken aback by the thoughts I have and the decisions I make. I used to just get depressed and down on myself, but tried to start thinking about the core of where my thoughts and actions came from. I realized that much was from childhood - like my being defensive and stubborn and independent has caused me much heartache - but I was bantered by siblings a lot being the youngest. So it's hard for me to take direction. Knowing that though, helps me identify when i am being a certain way, and then it's up to me to do something about it. Take heart. I'm 24, but I think it gets better as we get older, so long as you make an effort to be wiser and grow.  

  5. this happens to many  folk. it normally occurs at certain stages in life where we look at ourselves and ask where we are going. a period of reflection or introspection  can occur at any age but is normally when we are not busy with another personal relationship or events which keep us  busy mentally . This is when we find time to start wondering about things. it can be anything from the stars, how we got here to a feeling of being 'at sea' etc.

      most get over it fairly quickly but some need  more time or advise etc before moving on. some even get depressed and suffer emotional problems and a feeling of loss or inadequacy. all this can be overcome by deciding a goal in life and  setting tasks to complete .join a club etc take up a hobby. all such activities involve being busy and involve others whom will offer sources of information. mental stimulation and so on. in short you find something has now been put back in place and some even get a feeling that 'god is in his heaven etc'. good luck and do make the effort ,it is rewarding once you find the answers  but do not get confused by seeking every answer to life.universe etc.  

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