
What's the matter with my dog-child?

by  |  earlier

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My dog has recently gone out of heat. I guess what I should say is that she is finished with her "period". She has not been allowed around male dogs and was only outside on a leash (to prevent her being ornery or running off.) But it's been a week and her teats are still large and look bruised. What's a possible explanation for this?




  1. Get your dog spayed it's the best thing you can do for her.

    the answer to your question is... It takes about a week for all the hormones to leave her body right after being in heat.

  2. you need to take her to the vet so she can be checked out

  3. i don't know! maybe she has fleas and they irritate his parts.

  4. If you are absolutely POSITIVE she is not bred.  She could be going through a false pregnancy in which their body believes they are bred.  Often times a dog will produce milk, have abdominal swelling & "mother something"   basically have most or all signs of pregnancy.  Oh, and dogs are in heat for about 3 weeks.  the middle week there may be no noticeable discharge but they are VERY fertile at this time.

  5. She could be experiencing a "False Pregnancy".  Dogs will show all signs without actually being pregnant.

    BTW - Dogs don't get "Periods"'s called Estrus and from a physiological standpoint, it's the opposite of a human females "Period".

    In any case, get her checked out by the Vet just in case...while you're there make an appointment to get her spayed and neither of you will need to deal with this again.

  6. Take her to the vet and get her spayed

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