
What's the matter with people on here?

by  |  earlier

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Is it just me, or do the majority of people on YA seem a bit...unbalanced? From what I have seen in these Q&A forums (in politics and government specifically) people don't answer any questions without a brutal attack on someone else's intelligence.

Is there anyone on here who is capable of acting older than a 2nd grader?




  1. no its not just you...lately the people on here are different.....not like a year or so ago...i have no idea what the change is but it is not good....i don't play on this site near as much as i use to.....i have to find some where else to go.....

  2. When I joined in few months ago, I was expecting something different. I never thought there would be so much aggression, intolerance, lack of respect, sarcasm and ranting.

    I am learning a lot about human behavior here.

    When  I read so many members' ranting comments, I realize the large number of sad, unhappy and frustrated people out there, and I guess they behave exactly like that in the real world, when they log off.

    So I often take breaks from ya forums, and I do come back because I know there are good quality members here, though sometimes the filtering process feels exhausting...

  3. Y!A is the bottom of the barrel.  It's the new AOL.  If you're not having fun here, there are plenty of other places to play.

  4. People get offended when you call out the faults of their beliefs. Since they're so close-minded and cannot find anything else to pick it, they go for second-grade remarks. I have to question some people's intelligence...

  5. You also need to keep in mind that those who don't have strong feelings about something usually don't proselytize. As a result, you see more extreme responses than replies with opinions in the middle of the road.

  6. Most of the people on here are teenagers (chronologically or mentally)  You really can't expect a whole lot of maturity from them.

  7. I would say that in the last three months or so,it has changed.The people who were nice then started to take their personal frustrations out on other members,some of whom were not prepared to be the whipping boy for a member of a family in distress.Any attacks on me,my family or my fellow countrymen will be met with a reply which will make the asker of the question,troll or otherwise,look very stupid indeed.I had,for a long time,either said nothing or made a lightweight reply,simply because I didn't want to offend one person.There is no need for me to hold back any longer,no more kid gloves.If anyone thinks I have been a tad harsh recently,all I can say is,you aint seen nothing yet.

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