
What's the meaning of the phrase "bread & butter" to describe finances?

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What's the meaning of the phrase "bread & butter" to describe finances?




  1. i think its related to our earning or say basic food, which every  general man takes like DAAL AND ROTI  in india

  2. It refers to your livelihood, whatever you do or have that generates your income.

    Example: "Selling on ebay is my bread and butter."

  3. This phrase means either:

    you and somebody are really good friends and unseperatable

    or it means you are holding hands and need to separate because there is an opstical in the way

  4. BREAD AND BUTTER - One meaning of this phrase is one's livelihood - how you get money (bread) to pay the rent ("keep a roof over your head) and buy food (butter) and send the kids to college. Etc!!!.

  5. basic food to survive...

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