
What's the meaning of these proverbs:" cannot serve God and Mammon.2.A tree is known by its fruit."

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  1. 1.  Mammon is used in the New Testament to describe            material wealth or greed.

    2.  You are known by your actions, whether people can trust you or not,  or if you tell lies, or you are always late, or your and not dependable,  or you may be sweet and kind

    people know your by your ways

  2. No one can serve two masters, regardless of whether one of them is God or not.  You would be pulled in two conflicting directions, and not be able to serve either adequately.

    While scientists can know what kind of tree it is by the leaves or even by looking at it's cells under a microscope, the dead giveaway to anyone is what the tree produces.  If there are bananas growing in it, it's a banana tree.   By extension, you know people by what they do.  If you meet a person who says they make movies, you want to know what movies.  By the movies the guy makes, you'll know if he's Disney or Leni Reifenstahl.

  3. Okay for the first one i think you mean "you can not serve God and man" which basiclly means GOd is God, he is perfect in every way. He has no flaus. Man in man.  Unperfect, unjustice, unpure, and has MANY flaus. You can not serve them both because they are different in every way. But serving God is WAYYY better, because you can always trust him. Man will always leave you, disapoint you, hurt you...etc. But God will "never leave nor forsake you" and "A tree is known by its fruit basiclly means....well.... A tree is known by its fruit! If you are a good- natured person, who loves and serves the Lord, you will produce good friut! If you are the total opposite....then you will produce bad fruit. If you have any more questions i will be here!!!!!


  4. Mammon was a pagan Semitic god of wealth, and thus his name is used to personify wealth.  You cannot serve God and pursue material success at the same time.

    A person is known by the results of his deeds--good or bad.

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