
What's the minimum IQ to be police officer? ?

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What's the minimum IQ to be police officer? ?




  1. well if your in america then you would probley need an IQ of about....2 its quite low really due to the stupidity of Americas police departments

  2. Well, I know that around here it seems that as long as your IQ is equivalent to that of a Chimpanzee, you can be cop. h**l, you can even be a politician! :P

  3. There is no IQ req there are tests though. There is no IQ req to answer these questions either apparently! I have needed officers before and thank God for them.Who do you yell for when you need help? There are bad apples in all occupations but you can't generalize. Most of the time people who complain about officers are the very ones breaking the rules and disrespecting the officers and destroying peoples property.  

  4. As far as I know, you can get in as long as you're able to distinguish white people from everyone else.

  5. not sure what the IQ level would be, but I think as long as you can drive a car and grow a pornstache, you can be a cop

  6. They have no minimum, they have a maximum. It's about 35.

  7. They probably don't have to have a very high one.No offense but they only have to be educated towards the law really.

  8. 2

  9. OMG....hahahaha I LOVE your question.

    Whether you're serious or in jest, let me tell you I've known many educated idiots!  Policemen/women, as far as I know, don't have a set standard for IQ score.  There are many tests performed to evaluate the officers well being (mentally) as well as physical fitness.

    Most departments make an attempt to screen the selected individual for social defects but some slip through the cracks.  What sucks is that society tends to judge ALL cops based on the few rogue ones we hear about in the news.

    There are plenty of smart, worthy, loyal to their oath officers in this nation.  My husband's one of them!

  10. -1

  11. that of a houseplant

  12. Not very high according to my experiences.

  13. 4

  14. There is no set IQ quotient as such, but every department has a minimum requirement for education with the majority being at least 2 years of College with a degree.

    Even after meeting this, a new Officer has to complete Academy training which includes a written test ( pass/fail) at the end, so if you were to assess the average, it would fall in the high/normal to superior range.

    I hope this helps and you can find it useful

  15. President Bush's IQ lol

  16. 4   i have proof.

  17. No such requirement.

  18. well the only IQ you need is whether or not you can find the nearest do-nut shop

  19.    -1

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