
What's the most amount of hpt's (home pregnancy tests) you've taken?

by Guest64004  |  earlier

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And if so, did you take them at different time in the day?

What were the results?





  1. Just last week was the first time I really thought I was pregnant. I never told my bf I thought I was...didn't want to worry him until I knew for sure. I took the first one and it came up with a faint positive. I didn't know anything about faint lines, I figured if it were positive it would look like the picture. The next day I had saw online about faint pos. so I went back out and bought a 2 pack, took one that afternoon after I got home from work, it was negative...still thought I was preg, so I took the other in the morning with first urine...faint pos., got another 2 pack and both came up neg. So within 3-4 days I took 5 tests. Then my period started...but was a week late and only like 3 days...I still have a few of the symptoms, so I'm beginning to wonder if I should pick up another, just to ease my mind. My bf and I aren't actively ttc, but we both want kids, we're more "if it happens, it happens right" now. But after last week I realized how much I would love to get pregnant.

  2. 4....1 neg 1 faint posit. and two BFP !!!  

  3. I took 6 over the course of a week. I knew I was pregnant (2 days late, had implantation spotting 4 days before my period was due, and I recognized that "heavy" pregnant feeling) but kept getting negatives. I tested every morning until I finally got a positive, then I did a second test just to be sure. I guess I just don't show positive on an early test.  

  4. Best bet is to just go to the doctor.  You could do a test and it not be accurate.  I did one and it said I was pregnant so I went to the doctor and got them to do a test and sure enough I was pregnant.  No need to spend a bunch of money on tests when you will still end up getting one from the doctor anyways.  Especially if you live in Canada because it's free!

  5. I took 2 (well 2 came in the package).

    I missed my period and was confused why. I had no idea I was able to get pregnant, because me and my husband were having s*x unprotected for 7 years!

    Well I took the test that day and it came back PREGNANT. I was crying and so upset, I thought I was going to have an abortion cause I thought I wasn't ready. And after I took the 2nd test, it showed I was pregnant.

    I took both tests the same day. I decided to keep my baby

  6. We tried for so long to get pregnant that when the test I took finally came back with a faint positive line, I drove out and bought 6 more tests and came home and took them all at the same time.  They all came back positive!    

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