
What's the most annoying mistake fellow Muslims make when talking about Islam?

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I find it really annoying when people say the Injeel is the New Testament - it is NOT.




  1. I find it annoying when people have not understood their religion before talking about another and saying things about sects of Islam they have only heard the name of....

  2. i find it annoying  when some muslim bros/sisters  give answers contradict with QURAN and Sunnah than say they r right

  3. I really dislike when we give fatwah's to other people when we are not obligated to because scholars have that right (Muftis).  

  4. You are right, some Sunni scholars do permit a type of Muta. See the link I have provided.

    I find it annyoying when two Muslims disagree and one starts insisting the other is making a mistake and acting like a member of some police force of Allah, instead of simply saying they have differences in opinion.  For example, radicals often do this when people disagree with them by accusing people of practicing forbidden innovations. When exactly did the Prophet p or the 4 rightly guided Caliphs use the Hadith texts collected by the Imams (with true and false hadiths) and show anyone how to separate the authentic from the fabricated? So how is it that those who disagree with the radicals are practicing an innovation but they are not?

  5. I find it really annoying when people say Muta'a is halal.

  6. When muslims say Islam means "peace", when Islam means "submission". If it means both, muslims should say it means "peace through submission". Muslims should decide what the name of the religion means.

  7. its 'very' annoying when fellow muslims add the wives, friends, neighbours, servants, pets and etc of Prophet Mohammad (saww) to the Ahlul Bayt.....

    when it consists of 5 people only.....!

  8. Amen to brother Amin4622.  I agree, I find that to be a very common mistake when people speak about other beliefs without knowledge or evidence.

    love for all, hatred for none

  9. I extremely dislike it when another fellow Muslim tries to quote a scripture thats not even in the Holy Quran! Like this one girl tried to tell me that Allah said,"dread locks were against Islam"  ?

    Huhn? I may not know The whole Quran by heart front to back, but I read it enough to know when someone's quote isn't the truth.

  10. I can think of a few,

    "Islam means peace"

    No, islam means submission

    "Allah is the arabic word of God"

    No, Allah is one of the more common names of God. God has other names too.

    "Only scholars can understand the Quran"

    No, the Quran is very clear. Some muslims want to bend or change the message in the Quran because it contradicts some of their lifestyle choices.

    "We should learn about islam from websites"

    When someone ask a muslim where to learn about islam, these muslims refer them to websites. 99.99% of all muslim websites lie about islam. One should refer to the Quran and the sahih hadiths like Burkhari, Muslim, Abu Dawud and Ishaq's Sira.

  11. The most annoying attitude in telling others about Islam is one's complex of superiority. It denies the method taught by Quran. It enjoins believers to invite others with decency and wisdom. Let them decide for themselves.A Muslim's job is only to deliver the message clearly .Its for Allah to change the heart of the person invited

  12. When people want to interpret Hadith and Qur'an according to their understanding. Or when they choose to focus on the Qur'an and leave the Hadith.

  13. When Muslims think they know about other denominations and their beliefs in Islam and other religons and go around posting false answers on Yahoo Answers.

  14. Muta is not halal except the fish.

    Mistaks of muslims less than mistaks of chirstains.

  15. Most annoying to me is that Muslims are fighting among themselves which prevents them from getting know the better!

  16. Jihad = Holy War

    It Doesnt! it means to struggle, to struggle against one's own evil, to struggle to pass an exam, to struggle in Allah's cause against opression and tyranny ect.

  17. I find it annoying when muslims talk about Islam.

    Islam Vs Christianity

    Christians say God is a spirit that dwelled in a man called Jesus born through a virgin who died in the place of mankind because man sinned.  Islam says that God could not have come as a man to die on the cross because it is ridiculous.  

    What's the difference?  One claims God is merciful and came to redeem man from their sins.  The other rejects that God could have made such a sacrifice and accuse God of making a huge mistake in choosing the Jews who corrupted His Scripture and is not as merciful as the Christians say He is.

    Christians say the prophets who performed great miracles (dividing the red sea, walked in fiery cauldrons and even raised the dead) have ended with John the Baptist (Luke 16:16), but Muslims say the final prophet is actually Muhammad who performed NO miracles in the quran but has a long trail of murdering, lying, raping & pedophilia.

    What’s the difference?  One claims that the people of God were people of integrity & great power through God.  The other claims the final prophet of God was no different from you or your relatives.

    Christian’s God says Deuteronomy 24:4 her first husband, who divorced her, is not allowed to marry her again for she has been defiled. That would be detestable in the eyes of the LORD. Do not bring sin upon the land the LORD your God is giving you as an inheritance.  But islam’s allah says “Surah 2:230"...So if a husband divorces his wife he cannot after that, remarry her unless she has married another husband, and he has divorced her, in that case there is no blame on either of them if they reunite..."

    What’s the difference? One says that marrying your ex-wife is disgusting defilement, but the other says to let your ex-wife have s*x with another man before you take her back.  

    There are so MANY differences between the 2 religion that I think somebody should put their teachings side by side and make a detailed comparison.  From teachings, to practices to its people.

    Its very easy for muslims to just accuse others of corruption.  But have we started looking at OURSELVES????  The bible has thousands more witnesses than muhammad who is the only 1 and only person who claims to have saw something in that Hira cave.  Today historians & archaelogists have proven that arabic in its written form did not exist during muhammad's time whose followers were almost all illiterate and could hardly memorise 1 sentence let alone an entire quran.

    But 1 thing is clear.  Islam first brings shame on God by claiming God failed in His scripture that He spent thousands of years to write and in picking the Jews as His chosen. Then it installs a man responsible for murder, lying, rapes & pedophilia to be a prophet and finally finishes it off by educating muslims to perform the direct OPPOSITE to what the scripture teaches.  What is unclean becomes clean, what is shameful becomes legitimate, what is Holy becomes Unholy.

    I leave you decide which is the right religion, which is good and which is evil.


  18. they pretend holier than thou attitude.  

  19. Mutaa is haraam for sunni muslims never heard of INJEEL WHAT IS IT ?



  20. When people interpret verse of the Qur'an or words from the hadith according to what THEY believe rather than focusing on what the message really is trying to say. This is what annoys me more than anything because everytime I ask an important question regarding Islam or it's practices, I get 10 different answers from only 1 surah... that makes me wonder why people bother interpreting things if they have no knowledge about it? Instead of helping others out, they only make things worse.  

  21. that whenever there was a debate with other religions, some muslims would say they defeated, humiliated,dumped,outperformed the opponent when all the quran says that we should only deliver the message of islam.

  22. most annoying: when they say wahabis are Muslims, or wahabis dont exist

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