
What's the most annoying stigma you can think of?

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The most annoying stigma I can think of is the idea people have about transitioning to adulthood. They see that you have two biological parents and so they ASSUME you are in good hands. They see you have talent and they ASSUME it's thanks to your upbringing and not your own merit. It's the fact that they fail to see things for what they TRULY are! Just because your bio parents are still alive, doesn't mean you live in some paradise. Do people ever stop to wonder why person X is so stuck and so miserable. Did it ever dawn on them that if the parents were such geniuses then person X would not be stuck in such a situation?




  1. I think those people who believe that in this case the parents live under a misconception or the elude reality, I would not really call this a stigma. I believe life is what you make of it. Your parents, if they are good parents, teach you the right values to set you on the right way in life, they teach you the basics so that you develop the characteristics which are of advantage for you later on in life if they are good parents, for that if they succeed, they can take some merit but the rest is up to each individual, what we make of it. If we follow the goals we set for ourselves. I think it is more important for parents to be loving parents and people with compassion who teach their children things such as respect, honesty, trust, self confidence, compassion for others, for that they have to be dedicated parents but they don't have to be geniuses. Not many people are geniuses. A stigma would be a sign of social disgrace. If you end up in prison for a horrible deed that would be a social disgrace but how can the parents be blamed for that? Your talent is something you are born with and you develop it throughout your childhood and adulthood and sometimes the parents encourage that talent and sometimes its the children themselves who do it on their own. I understand that adulthood is not always paradise but I don't see quite where the word stigma fits in here. I am sure if someone has  a really bad childhood then they have a miserable life but the word stigma is a word I don't like. It sets people apart from other people because there is something about them such as a mental deficiency or a social disgrace that makes them ''outcasts'' of society in the eyes of such people who the word stigma... I believe nobody should be stigmatised at all. We are all people and we should all be treated equal and without stigma.

  2. I agree with what you're saying. People who are ****** up wouldn't be so ****** up if they had a proper upbringing. The only problem is that not everyone has had a proper upbringing. So I agree with you fully... children are hardly ever safe with the parents that created them.  

  3. This same stigma goes the other way also and what it is in the other case is people who don't want to take responsibility for their own actions, in such cases as you hear in court rooms time after time.  Grown men and women who got caught for breaking the law, killing someone, committing to a life of drugs and crime, prostitution, etc...they all have the same defense:  "I had a troubled childhood, my parents abused me",  I honestly believe that there comes a point in every human life that you are at the age of accountability!, If you can comprehend and understand good and bad, right from wrong, then you cannot blame your upbringing or your parents for the choices you made.  

    As far as the one you are speaking of, yes, society, and it is human nature I suppose, to judge in a form of some sort, based on initial appearance of a situation.  If you see a family in an upper class neighborhood, driving a clean, nice new vehicle, wearing their Sunday best all the time, your going to assume that the child in the family has it made, it is natural to think that a good wholesome home life is what contributes most to a childs' success.  But looks can be deceiving as well, behind closed doors that childs life may be rotten.  I could go on and on with examples, but none of us have the time to  

    These types of stigmas are part of human nature and life, people are opinionated and judgemental, and they ASSUME a lot...but you know and I know what that means!

  4. 1 stigma I have to face is that b/c of my disability, people think I'm crazy & too stupid to know left from right. & I get abused ALL the time, & nothing gets done about it. Cops & "professionals" don't believe me b/c they think I'm paranoid & hypochondratic. Neither 1 is true. The abusers make up those lies just to get away with their crime, so they can use more violence towards me.

  5. "Religion is good" is a dangerous and annoying stigma.

  6. I avoid thinking about stigmas at all costs. They are totally destructive. I like to spend my life in devotion to the positives, not the negatives. I am sorry you feel this way. Best Wishes. UK

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