
What's the most attractive thing a man finds in a woman?

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Lets put it this what makes him say "wow she's a great girl"?




  1. Honesty and loyalty.

  2. Emotional maturity

  3. 1. LOOKS, I like a certain shape of the behind and a certain softness. I like a pretty face, usually prefering darker complected, dark hair,eyes.

    2. personality, if she acts like she's doing me a huge favor just to be in my presence she instantly becomes "un-do-able" If she is TOO insecure, same thing, un-do-able.  If I ever catch her in a lie or so much as suspect a lie, for instance, if I ask her out and she "don't know yet" ... DONE, I don't play second fiddle.

  4. Beauty, plain and simple. Whether its spiritual, mental, or physical. Or any combination of the 3.

  5. Azz.

  6. There mere fact that she is a woman, not a L*****n, interested in me, and soft and cuddly, is practically all of it.  Need I say more.

  7. Absolutely NOTHING.

  8. You mean before or after I got s*x with her?

    If its before her body. Nice b*****s (but not too big), smaller than I (easier to carry and move),  long hair, nice round ***. And a smile that put the sun to shame.

    If its after, her personality and how caring is she. Also it helps if she is not full of BS.

  9. I see the face first of course, unless I'm lucky and walk in on a class room full of girls comparing breast size.  That hasn't happened as much this semester as last.  Sigh ... Anyway, the most attractive thing to me is how she fits me.  Does she like to do the same things I like?  Is she open minded?  Can she laugh at silly anime, and sit around like me?  Can I see myself with her in 50 years?  Almost any young person is beautiful, but this is a transient phase.  A man looking for "perfection" in this department is destined to continue fapping into a sock at age 40.

  10. Niceness.

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