
What's the most beautiful kind of flying (for a job, of course)?

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in your opinion.

Please explain why.




  1. Being a union pilot for a major airline. And a captain, not co-pilot. Even then it is not secure, especially today. Delta used to advertise when recruiting it never laid off. These days nothing is secure. Delta lays off and so does everyone else except maybe Southwest. Fuel is sky high. That is the big problem. Most airlines are waiting on more fuel efficent designs like Boeings new dreamliner......The truth is if you want excitement join the military and learn to fly fighters or helicopters. But if you want money learn to fly heavies and work your way up. Nobody jumps into the captains seat. Just like no mechanic makes the big bucks right off. It takes years of sweat and experience. If a mechanic, lots of sweat, believe me. I have worked in places where inside in summer the thermomter said 120 plus degrees! You can freeze in winter too!

  2. They are all wrong, the most beautiful kind of flying is the free, flight the plane anywhere you want kind. Flying cross country US is a beautiful thing, seeing the whole country change....

  3. As an international executive pilot my flying took me to fifty one countries on six of the seven continents and all  fifty states. More cities, towns and villages than I can possibly count. In forty years I flew 72 aircraft types in every category but baloons. It was all beautiful and I could never say which was the most. Diversity is the key. Expose yourself to as much as possible during your short time on earth. And for me, time's way too short to be flying pretty airplanes to the same dreary destinations day in and day out for the airlines.

  4. The dream of being a pilot has occupied the imaginations of boys and girls and young adults for generations.  The romance of air travel although greatly diminished over time still has a strong hold on aviation enthusiasts. Like any job, after a while it's just a job.  I'm not saying that there aren't commercial pilots out there that really enjoy their work but the hours of operation for an airline are 24/7 and 365 days a year.  Holidays and 9 to 5 work is not in the cards for for most pilots.  


    I would never discourage anyone from becoming what they dream they can be but don't let the romance and adventure of flying aircraft lead you to believe that after a while it's not like any other job.  The romance and adventure of flying fades fast with the boredom, tedium, and realities of everyday air transport.


  5. Flying at 300 ft AGL in the mountains of Alaska in a C-130 formation.  Nothing beats it.

  6. Flying helicopters (police helicopters) MD500E and Euro350. Flying at tree top level searching for bank robbers(yahoo flickr has some nice pic's under dekalb police) finding lost children, chasing speeders and car thiefs, being able to land just about anywhere (parking lot of a bank to stop a robbery in progress) It's a real cool job.

  7. I would say a bush pilot for charter because you fly thru the beautiful back country, but international would be occasionally good.

  8. Flying fighters is the best job, and the best flying one can have.

    You get PAID to fly the most high-performance aircraft around, and travel-it doesn't suck.

  9. Flying to a vacation destination - $750

    Flying on a small plane you rent from the FBO - $100

    Getting paid to fly a plane - priceless.

    There's nothing better than getting paid for flying. Any kind of airplane, any destination.

    A commercial certificate - accepted at more places around the world...

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