
What's the most beautiful thing you've ever seen?

by  |  earlier

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There are some really excellent and interesting answers here, it will be really hard to choose a best one. I really liked laughter, inner peace, nature, newborns, people standing up for what they believed in and feeling beauty with the heart. Thankyou everyone for answering.




  1. one of those orange purple sunsets over a horizon.

  2. Sunrises sunsets and the nothern lights. they were awesome

  3. Lol myself in the mirror.....haha..thats a joke....Well his eyes & his inocent smile shhhhh (secret)

  4. The 'northern lights' and the whole milky way with my bare eyes drunk In Ireland @ 4 am

    And of course..

    My daughter Daisy when she was born.

  5. The birth of a baby!

  6. Myself.

  7. African sunset!!!

  8. "The most beatiful things are not seen, they are felt with the

    heart." Helen Keller

  9. a sunset . roses . etc

  10. Inner Peace

  11. laughter

  12. when i went on my high school trip to Africa way back of the most beautiful places ever!!

  13. Every newborn; people or animal.

  14. Nature, people working together, people standing up for what they believe in, and the Florida beach.

  15. watching a child sleeping...

    tat the beautiful thing i ve seen and wanna see.......

  16. Northern lights.  In Texas.

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